Looking for the best Empoleon deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket? Do not worry, we have got you covered.
With Space-Time Smackdown having the Pokémon TCG Pocket up in a frenzy, many are looking for a deck build revolving around Empoleon.
Here is our best deck Empoleon deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
All cards in Empoleon Pokémon TCG Pocket deck
Below are the cards needed to build this Empoleon deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket:
Pokémon cards:
- Piplup x2
- Prinplup x2
- Empoleon x2
- Manaphy x2
Trainer cards:
- Dawn x2
- Misty x2
- Professor’s Research x2
- Sabrina x2
- Poke Ball x2
- Giant Cape x2
What makes this deck stand out is it does not have any EX cards. While that may make it appear weak at first, it also requires your opponent to defeat you by taking out three of your Pokémon instead of two.
All Pokémon cards
To begin, we first had to include the entire evolution line for Empoleon. This includes Piplup, Prinplup and Empoleon. Empoleon has 150 health, which is honestly on par with many EX Pokémon. The penguin Pokémon's main move, Auqa Jet, does only 80 damage but does 30 damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

And it only costs three Energies.
However, it is important to have those Energies on your Empoleon right away. To help, we included Manaphy. This card's attack lets players move an extra Water-type Energy from their Energy pile to one of their Benched Pokémon.
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All Trainer cards
Dawn was one of the first Supporter cards added to our Empoleon deck build, as her ability lets you acquire an extra Water Energy for your Empoleon. We then included a Misty, which lets players put as many Water Energies onto their Empoleon as the number of heads they get during some coin flips.

Professor's Research and Sabrina were also a must for this deck, as they help out in various ways.

To help with a player's health, we included Giant Cape, as it gives the Pokémon it is attached to a boost of 20 HP.
And finally, we included the typical Poké Ball card, to help players get that Pipulp or Manaphy into their hands.
Strong against
This deck is made up of strictly Water-type Pokémon, meaning it is incredibly effective against Fire-type decks. An Infernape EX deck does not stand a chance against the legendary Empoleon.
Weak against
This deck struggles against Electric-type Pokémon. A Pikachu EX deck may thrive when battling this Empoleon deck, so be prepared.
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