Best Arceus EX deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

Looking for the best Arceus EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket? Do not worry, we have got you covered.

Pokémon TCG Pocket just released its newest expansion, Triumphant Light, and players are already finding the best deck builds. The title card of this series, Arceus, is powerful enough to have its own deck centered around it. Here is the best Arceus EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Arceus EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Arceus EX, the Pokémon known to have been born before the universe was even created, has finally come to Pokémon TCG Pocket. Its power is immense and players are formulating decks around him left and right.

So, we obviously had to hop on the Arceus EX deck train. Here is our best Arceus EX deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket:

  • Arceus EX 2x
  • Shaymin 2x
  • Larvitar 2x
  • Pupitar 2x
  • Tyranitar 2x
  • Celestic Town Elder 2x
  • Professor's Research 2x
  • Sabrina 2x
  • Poké Ball 2x
  • Giant Cape 2x

Energy type: Fighting

No Pokémon TCG Pocket deck list would be complete without a complete rundown on every card and why we chose them.

All Pokémon cards in deck

First, we need to talk about all the actual Pokémon cards in this deck. Each card has two copies of them, so remember that.

First, we included Arceus EX (obviously). The Pokémon's ability is what makes it so special. Arceus cannot be affected by any special conditions, meaning he cannot be paralyzed, frozen, asleep and more.

Not only that, but his prime move does 20 damage for every Benched Pokémon you have. Starting at 70 damage, the attack can do upwards of 130 damage and only costs three of any type of Energy.

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When then included Shaymin. Shaymin's move only does 30 damage, but its ability lets all Pokémon on your side of the field cost one less in Retreat Costs. This helps with quite a few different strategies.

Lastly, we included the entire Tyranitar evolution line. While Larvitar and Pupitar are not that special, Tyranitar is a heavy hitter. It is not an EX card, so you do not have to worry about your opponent gaining two points when it is defeated.

Not only does Tyrannitar's main attack do 130 damage, but its ability lets it do an extra 30 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon if you have an Arceus EX in play.

Arceus does not require any other cards to evolve, so it is easy to get on the field, considering it is a Basic Pokémon.

All Trainer cards in deck

No Pokémon deck is complete without a set of Trainer cards. Every card chosen for this deck helps with its strategy and should be used wisely.

First, we included the brand-new Supporter card, Celestic Town Elder. This card lets you place a Basic Pokémon from your Discard Pile back into your hand. This is useful for Arceus EX, as it lets you get more cards in your Bench so its attack is stronger. This also helps with Tyranitar. If you have an Arceus in the Discard Pile, then you can get it back on your Bench.

We also included the typical Professor's Research and Sabrina in this deck. Professor's Research lets you draw two more cards while Sabrina forces your opponent to switch out his Active Pokémon with one of his Benched Pokémon.

The last two Trainer cards we included were Poké Ball and Giant Cape. Poké Ball helps you get more Basic Pokémon in your hand while Giant Cape gives you that extra health boost.

Weak against

This deck is weak against a few types of Pokémon. First off, Arceus EX is weak against Fighting Energy. There are quite a few decks revolving around this type of Energy, so beware. However, Tyranitar is a Fighting-type Pokémon, which helps level the playing field.

Tyranitar's evolution line is weak against Grass-type Pokémon and Shaymin is weak against Electric-type Pokémon. While this may seem bad, having multiple weaknesses, you will almost never come across a deck with all three types of these Pokémon.

Strong against

While Normal-type cards are not necessarily strong against other Pokémon, Fighting-type can break a few different types of cards. Psychic and Normal-type Pokémon can both be weak against Fighting Pokémon, so Tyranitar can be the heavy hitter sometimes in this deck.

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