These Item, Supporter, and Pokémon promo cards can power up your decks in TCG Pocket.
The primary way of obtaining cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket is to open booster packs. In addition to this, you can get Wonder Picks from packs of other players. Some cards, though, have been included in the Promo-A series, and players can get them directly in the game shop or by completing missions during special events.
All promo cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket are listed and explained in this article
How to obtain promo cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket?
There are two ways to add promo cards to your Pokémon TCG Pocket collection.
- During special events, some missions reward players with promo packs, and some Wonder Picks have promo cards. Unlike usual booster packs, promo ones give players only one card — and it is from the Promo-A set.
- Head to the game shop and check what Pokémon promo cards are available for direct purchase. You need to spend Shop Tickets for most of them. This currency is obtainable for free via the game missions and step-up battles. Some promo cards cost a Premium ticket.

How to check Pokémon promo cards in your collection
All promo cards in your personal Pokémon TCG Pocket collection are grouped in the My Card section.
- Head to the My Card section via the bottom menu.
- Set to show unobtained cards — there is a switch in the upper menu.
- Scroll the cards collection to the very end. There is the Promo-A section.

Promo-A cards in the shop of Pokémon TCG Pocket
There are 23 promo cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, but only 15 are obtainable in the game (as of the time of writing this article).
Currently, eight promo cards are available in the Pokémon TCG Pocket shop. For Shop Tickets, you can buy six Items and one Supporter card. One Pokémon Promo-A card is in the Limited Time / Events section: you can buy Pikachu (009/P-A) for 1 Premium ticket. Getting Premium Tickets is one of the advantages of paying for the Pokémon TCG Pocket Premium Pass.
Potion (001/P-A)

It’s one of the most important Item cards in any deck. Use it to recover 20 HP of one Pokémon. Potion helps you continue battling and delivering those winning strikes.
X Speed (002/P-A)

This card can be used in specific situations: for example, to activate Retreat for a powerful Pokémon that loses its Energy with attacks. X Speed makes Retreat cost one Energy less. This card is included in some of the best decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
Hand Scope (003/P-A)

You need to be pretty good at Pokémon TCG Pocket to understand how the cards of your opponent can affect the match. Hand Scope reveals them: information is power for a good strategist.
Pokédex (004/P-A)

The item shows the top 3 cards in your deck. This may affect your actions: like which Pokémon should get Energy or which card should become Active.
Poké Ball (005/P-A)

It’s a very helpful promo card at the beginning of Pokémon TCG Pocket matches. It adds a Basic Pokémon to your hand, so you have a card to put onto Bench or Active Spot.
Red Card (006/P-A)

In a way, this card is even toxic, but it’s a legal method to ruin the hopes of your opponent. They may plan their strategy for a match, but you pull out this Red Card, and everything in their hand goes back to Deck. Three random cards become a replacement.
Professor’s Research (007/P-A)

It’s nice to have many cards in your hand to plan your actions in a match of Pokémon TCG Pocket. This Supporter promo card is generally good, especially in the start of your battles.
Pikachu (009/P-A)

On the one hand, it’s just a pretty basic starting card. However, it’s Pikachu! Everyone loves this creature, and the Electric (Lightning) Pokémon can evolve into a much mightier one, Raichu. This card can be added to all sorts of Lightning Decks, or you may get interested in building your Pikachu EX Deck.
Blastoise drop event: new Promo-A cards
In the start of 2025, there was a Blastoise drop event in Pokémon TGC Pocket. Five promo cards was added to the game with it.
Snivy (027/P-A)
It's a solid Basic card. Snivy requires one Grass Energy to deal 20 damage.

Volcarona (028/P-A)

The card deals big damage, and you can choose a Pokémon to attack, not only the active one. On the other hand, Volcarona losses two Energy pieces.
Blastoise (029/P-A)

This Pokémon becomes a dangerous beast with extra two pieces of Energy attached.
Eevee (030/P-A)

The real power of Eevee is the ability to evolve into a variety of mighty creatures. The Basic abilities of this card decrease damage from the next attack of your opponent.
Cinccino (031/P-A)

The damage dealt by Cinccino scales with the number of cards on your Bench. This one is a pretty valuable feature.
Pokémon TCG Pocket Promo-A cards: Venusaur drop event
A new set of promo cards was added to Pokémon TCG Pocket with the Venusaur drop event. Players needed to win solo battles to obtain a promo pack — with one of these five cards as possible drop.
Venusaur (018/P-A)

It’s the final evolution of Bulbasaur, one of the original starters. Venusaur deals damage and heals itself.
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Greninja (019/P-A)

As a Stage 2 Pokémon, Greninja should make it through two evolutions (Froakie and Frogadier). Then, the card adds a chance of extra 20 damage to each attack.
Haunter (020/P-A)

This is a tricky card. Haunter may deal good damage but only if you get heads with a coin flip. Use it as an evolution link from Gastly into Gengar. Haunter is part of the best Gengar EX deck.
Onix (021/P-A)

Having the Ground type in the original games, Onix got a Fighting card in Pokémon TCG Pocket. He is very strong, as for a Basic Pokémon, but you need three Energies to attack with this card.
Jigglypuff (022/P-A)

The ability of this Jigglypuff card is totally in tune with the anime and RPG creature. Instead of dealing damage, it makes an Active Pokémon of your opponent Asleep.
Promo-A cards in special events
The following Pokémon promo cards were available during Wonder Pick events and from promo packs during the Pokémon TCG Pocket Lapras event. We certainly can expect them to be added as rewards in future promo events.
Chansey (011/P-A)

It’s a solid Normal (Colorless) Pokémon card. Chansey may be added to a double-type deck to help when a needed type of Energy just doesn't drop. Also, it’s a great addition to a single-type deck, in case your opponent has an advantage.
Meowth (012/P-A)

A big advantage of playing this Pokémon is drawing a new card with each attack. As a Normal-type creature, Meowth is as universal as Chansey.
Butterfree (013/P-A)

You need to evolve a Caterpie and Metapod to get Butterfree. You will get a very good card: with a decent health level, a strong attack, and the ability to heal other Pokémon.
Lapras EX (014/P-A)

The Pokémon has a wonderful self-healing ability, which makes the card one of the best in the entire game. You may even want to build a deck around Lapras EX.
Pikachu (015/P-A)

This Pikachu card has a more traditional art than 009/P-A. Gameplay-wise, they are identical.
Clefairy (016/P-A)

The creature is good to start your Psychic battles. To make the card really valuable in a match, you should evolve Clefairy into Clefable.
Mankey (017/P-A)

It’s a basic Fighting type Pokémon. Evolve Mankey into Primeape to make it strong on the battlefield of Pokémon TCG Pocket.
Bulbasaur (023/P-A)

The original starter Pokémon can become a great Basic card in your hand. Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur and Venusaur in Pokémon TCG Pocket. Even its starting abilities are quite decent.
Magnemite (024/P-A)

You can evolve this Basic Electric Pokémon into Magneton. The attack of Magnemite is good only at the very start of a match — or maybe to finish a weak opponent. The art of this promo card is pretty unusual.
Charmander (032/P-A)

We have slightly bigger damage than from many other Basic cards, but the Charmander losses one Energy with each attack. After evolving into Charmeleon and Charizard, the fire creature becomes a real powerhouse.
Squirtle (033/P-A)

It's one of the starters from the very first set of Pokémon creatures. As a card, Squirtle deals small damage, and the abilities scale only with evolution to mightier Wartortle and Blastoise.
Promo Cards in Premium Pass
Pokémon TCG Pocket has Premium missions for players who have subscribed to the Premium Pass. They may give Promo-A cards as rewards.
Mewtwo (010/P-A)

The Legendary Psychic Pokémon deals massive damage, but each attack costs Mewtwo two Energies. If you like this creature, check out the best Mewtwo EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
Moltres ex (025/P-A)

Not only is this fire bird is strong on its own, but Moltres also helps other Pokémon of the same type to gain energy. The Premium Shop Lineup is a source of this promo card.
To get these cards via Premium missions, you only need to log in to the game with the Premium Pass active.
Other promo cards
The developers of Pokémon TCG Pocket keep these promo cards for some special events.
Pikachu (026/P-A)

The art of this Pikachu card is unique, but the gameplay features are similar to other cards with the same creature. This Pokémon TCG Pocket Promo-A card was available during the New Year 2025 log in event.
That’s all the promo cards in the game. For Pokémon TCG Pocket guides, news, and updates, stick around on