We’ve ranked the Genetic Apex Supporter cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, so you know what trainers to build your deck around.
Supporter cards are valuable additions to any deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket. In the first series the game introduced, Genetic Apex, the Supporter cards are all Gym Leaders from the Kanto region. These trainers can help you turn the tide of battle in an instant.
You can only have two of each in a deck, but of course, a deck won't have each Supporter card in it. They each call for certain circumstances. But we can definitely say some Supporter cards from Genetic Apex in Pokémon TCG Pocket are much more useful than others.
Let's rank them out for you, in our opinion.
Supporter cards from Genetic Apex in Pokémon TCG Pocket, ranked
There are eight total Supporter cards in the Genetic Apex series. You can get them out of the Pikachu, Mewtwo, and Charizard packs. Another Support Card does exist, in the form of Professor's Research. This one is technically a Promo Card, however, and not part of this booster pack set.
Therefore, it won't be included in our rankings. We are only going after the Pokémon TCG Pocket Support Cards from Genetic Apex at the game's launch. Here we go:
8. Koga
- Put your Muk or Weezing in the Active Spot into your hand.
This one seems counterproductive. Muk and Weezing are tanks of a Darkness-type deck. Removing them completely from play just never seems like a good move, making the Koga card our lowest ranked.
7. Erika
- Heal 50 damage from 1 of your Grass Pokémon.
There's nothing really wrong with the Erika Supporter card in Pokémon TCG Pocket. It can help out quite a bit with healing damage from some more powerful Grass-types. The thing is, though, Grass decks aren't very common.
6. Lt. Surge

- Move all Electric Energy from your Benched Pokémon to your Raichu, Electrode, or Electabuzz in the Active Spot.
Electric-type decks can benefit from this, but most use Pikachu EX exclusively. And the pace at which a Pokémon TCG Pocket battle takes place may not deliver a time where your bench has a lot of Energy to spare for your Active battler.
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5. Brock

- Take a Fighting Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to Golem or Onix.
Golem and Onix are both beefy Pokémon in TCG Pocket, so the Brock Supporter card comes in handy. It lets you add a free extra Energy during your turn, whether they are Active or on the bench. This could be a great way to set up Golem or Onix for a switch-in.
4. Blaine

- During this turn, attacks used by our Ninetales, Rapidash, or Magmar do +30 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon.
Now we are getting into the good stuff. The Blaine Supporter card in Pokémon TCG Pocket works with a Fire-type deck. Any of the three Pokémon mentioned do great damage and don't require too much Energy, so give it a +30 damage boost with this card.
3. Giovanni

- During this turn, attacks used by your Pokémon do +10 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon.
While Giovanni provides a lesser buff than Blaine, it is ranked higher because of its versatility. It provides that +10 damage boost to any Pokémon, of any type. This is a great way to deal that extra bit of damage needed to take a point.
2. Sabrina

- Switch out your opponent's Active Pokémon to the Bench. (Your opponent chooses the new Active Pokémon.)
Sabrina is an invaluable Supporter card in Pokémon TCG Pocket. There is a ton of strategy that can come with this card. Depending on the situation, you can force your opponent to switch out to a Pokémon with low health or even a heavy hitter with no Energy to attack.
1. Misty

- Choose 1 of your Water Pokémon, and flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, take a Water Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to that Pokémon.
Misty is hands down the best Supporter card in Pokémon TCG Pocket. It does require a bit of luck, but has proven to be quite the nuisance since the game's launch. Lapras EX and Articuno EX decks can end matches in one turn if the coin flips are in your favor.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and Pokémon TCG Pocket coverage.