Stuck in an aiming rut? Learn how to change your reticle in Overwatch and unlock new possibilities for landing that headshot on Junkrat!
Stuck in a rut and now getting as many eliminations as you'd like? Maybe it's time you learn how to change the reticle in Overwatch and try something new. It sounds silly, but a change as simple as your target reticle to a new color, size, or even shape can sometimes make drastic improvements to your aim. Or, you can be a psychopath like me and just make your Overwatch reticle into a tiny dot in the center of the screen.
Like going to Burger King, you too can have it your way when it comes to your crosshairs. Here's how to change things up.
How to change your reticle in Overwatch
To change your Overwatch reticle you'll want to open the options menu, then the controls tab, and finally navigate to the general tab. Underneath the 'mouse' and 'controller' settings is the 'reticle' menu. From here you can change a number of options for your reticle in Overwatch. This includes:
- Color
- Thickness
- Crosshair Length
- Center Gap
- Opacity
- Outline Opacity
- Dot Size
- Dot Opacity
What is the best choice? That's up to you, baby. The joy of learning how to change the Overwatch reticle is picking what suits your needs. Do you like having Hanzo's three bar accuracy crosshair? Does the accuracy bulge on shotgun characters help? Or do you find that--like I did--changing the reticle to something more non-invasive helps your focus?
Experiment with the settings! You can even change each individual Heroes' reticle settings on the right side of the screen by hitting the 'Change Hero' button. For instance: When playing Widowmaker I actually prefer using only a small, red dot. Meanwhile, when playing Ashe or Hanzo I've found that the full crosshair reticle helps with body shots.
But just in case you need some ideas...
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Overwatch reticle examples to use

Will this help your aim game? Maybe, but the true key to unlocking better aim comes with repetition, practice, and the most expensive gaming mouse you can afford.
Well, maybe not that last one.
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