MLBB Luo Yi Build guide: Best items, skills, emblem, combos (ft. ONIC PH Super Frince)

John Dave T. Rossel

John Dave T. Rossel

Check out the item and emblem build guide on mastering the mage hero Luo Yi in MLBB.

Luo Yi is a versatile mage hero in Mobile Legends: bang Bang (MLBB). Her most unique ability is her Ultimate which allows her to teleport allies anywhere on the map within range.

This makes you and your team harder to predict as you can reposition yourselves without the enemy team knowing. However, utilizing her can be a bit of a challenge. This is due to her ability that require a specific combo for extra effects.

During the MPL PH Season 15, ONIC PH's Monster Mage Frince "Super Frince" Ramirez was kind enough to give a recommended build for Luo Yi in MLBB. Let's dive into it.

Skill analysis for Luo Yi in MLBB

Passive: Duality

Luo Yi's skills create Sigils of Yin/Yang on the battlefield, lasting for a few seconds. Opposing Sigils will trigger a Yin-Yang Reaction when within a certain range, dealing Magic Damage to marked enemies, stunning them briefly, and pulling them toward each other.

Each time Luo Yi applies a new Sigil to a marked enemy, she gains a shield that stacks up to a limit and a temporary boost in Movement Speed that gradually decays.

Skill 1: Dispersion

Luo Yi unleashes Yin/Yang energy in the target direction, dealing Magic Damage to the first enemy hit and those behind in a cone. Enemy heroes struck are marked with a Sigil of Yin/Yang.

She can store multiple Dispersion charges, gaining a new charge periodically and whenever Yin-Yang Reaction is triggered. The skill alternates between states with each cast.

Skill 2: Rotation

Luo Yi summons Fire of Yang or Aqua of Yin at a target location, dealing Magic Damage to enemies hit and briefly slowing them. The summoned energy remains for a few seconds, continuously dealing Magic Damage over time and triggering a Yin-Yang Reaction when interacting with an opposite mark.

The skill alternates between states with each cast.

Ultimate: Diversion

Active: Luo Yi creates a Teleport Circle around herself and marks a target location within range as its destination. After a brief delay, she and allied heroes within the Circle are teleported to the marked location.

Passive: Luo Yi gains increased Cooldown Reduction.

Super Frince's best Luo Yi item build in MLBB

Here is the the best Luo Yi item build in MLBB, according to ONIC PH Super Frince:

Super Frince's recommended Luo Yi Item Build in MLBB. (Screenshot via
Super Frince's recommended Luo Yi Item Build in MLBB. (Screenshot via

According to Super Frince, you should start building your Tough Boots for the extra Magic Resist and reduce the duration of Crowd Controls you receive. Follow it up with an Enchanter Talisman for the mana regeneration and massive Cooldown Reduction effect.

For your next items, go for the Glowing Wand to slowly burn enemy HP and reduce their healing and shields received. The next item is Blood Wings for an added shield that can regenerate after being used up.

For late game, go for Wishing Lantern to melt enemy tanks. Divine Glaive can be your last item for the Magic Penetraion. However, you can exchange it for Immortality or Winter Crown if you need more survivability.

For the emblem set for Luo Yi, Super Frince suggests the following:

Super Frince's suggested Luo Yi emblem build guide in MLBB. (Screenshot via
Super Frince's suggested Luo Yi emblem build guide in MLBB. (Screenshot via

For Luo Yi's Emblem set, Super Frince recommends the Custom Mage Emblem. The first slot can be Inspire for the extra cooldown. The second slot can be Tenacity for extra defense if your health drops low. For the final slot, go for Lethal Ignition for more damage. Alternatively, you can go for Brave Smite for extra healing.

Easy combo tips to learn

The proper casting of your abilities is crucial to maximizing the abilities of Luo Yi. Your Skill 1 and Skill 2 change from Yin (Golden/Yellow) and Yang (Purple) with each cast. When you hit enemies with both the Yin and Yang abilities, they get dragged to the center of the AoE and get stunned for a brief period.

Use two abilities with different colors to a target to trigger the Yin-Yang effect. (Screenshot via
Use two abilities with different colors to a target to trigger the Yin-Yang effect. (Screenshot via

Your Skill 1 is the best ability to convert to either a Yin or a Yang as it can store up to four stacks. This means you have plenty of free casts to use if you want to switch colors. Once you converted one ability to a different color, your combo should be seamless unless you are forced to break your combo and both your abilities are now of the same color.

Luo Yi's teleport Ultimate has a very wide range. (Screenshot via
Luo Yi's teleport Ultimate has a very wide range. (Screenshot via

Your Ultimate is your bread-and-butter ability. You can use this to quickly teleport your enemies to contest objectives, set up ambushes, or do an unexpected split push. However, be careful as it can backfire badly if you teleport to the wrong place at the wrong time. Try and teleport on a bush so your location won't be revealed.

Hero and item counters for Luo Yi

Hero counters

Assassins like Hayabusa, Gusion, and Natalia are good counters for Luo Yi. Just like other Mages in the game, she is squishy and easy to pick off if you can get past her combo.

Item counters

Luo Yi has a high damage output. Athena's Shield can soak up a lot of damage for Tank heroes. If your hero relies on healing and shield effects to survive, go for Oracle.

As for most Fighters and Marksman heroes, Rose Gold Meteor is a good item to have for the emergency shield when your HP drops too low. For other Mages, go for Winter Crown for the temporary invulnerability.

That sums up our Luo Yi build guide in MLBB. For more mobile gaming news, stick around on