Check out the build guide on mastering the assassin hero Ling in MLBB.
Need a MLBB Ling build? Ling is arguably one of the best heroes for split push strategy in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB). He works even better when paired with utility supports like Angela and Floryn, allowing you to be more aggressive.
The biggest downside to this hero is that he is very reliant on getting a Blue Bluff for faster energy regeneration. Without it, your combo is much slower and you will find yourself in bad situations if you run out of energy.
To help you master the Cyan Finch, here is a guide for Ling in MLBB, including his best build, emblems, battle spells, combos, and hero counters.
Skill analysis for Ling in MLBB
Passive: Cloud Walker
Ling's exceptional Lightness Skill allows him to leap between walls effortlessly. While resting on a wall, he gradually regenerates Lightness Points and gains additional points when dealing damage.
He also benefits from increased Critical Chance from all sources but has a lower base Critical Damage compared to other heroes.
Skill 1: Finch Poise
Passive: Ling's Critical Chance is permanently increased by a set amount.
Active: Ling uses his Lightness Skill to leap onto a designated wall, entering a half-stealth state, restoring Lightness Points faster, and gaining bonus Movement Speed. Taking damage removes the half-stealth state while being controlled causes him to fall to the ground and be slowed briefly. Jumping from one wall to another resets the skill's cooldown and refreshes the half-stealth state.
Skill 2: Defiant Sword
Ling dashes in a designated direction, stabbing nearby enemies at his destination and dealing Physical Damage.
If cast while on a wall, Ling leaps to the target location on the ground, dealing area damage and slowing enemies. A critical strike enhances the slow effect for a brief duration.
This skill is considered a Basic Attack, triggering attack effects and restoring HP each time it hits an enemy.
Ultimate: Tempest of Blades
Ling leaps into the air, becoming invincible and gaining increased Movement Speed for a short duration while freely moving.
He then lands, dealing Physical Damage to enemies in the area, knocking those in the center airborne, and creating a Sword Field that lasts several seconds. Four Tempest of Blades appears at the field's edge, which Ling can collect to reduce the cooldown of his mobility skill, reset his attack skill, and restore Lightness Points.
Best Ling item build in MLBB
Use this recommended build for a good balance between damage and sustain for Ling:

Equip Tough Boots to reduce the duration of crowd controls you receive. However, you can always switch to Warrior Boots if you need extra Physical Defense. As a Jungler, you need to bless your boots with Ice Retribution to slow down targets.
Capitalize on Ling's high base crit chance with Berserker's Fury. Haas' Claws is a good sustain item for assassins. For mid to late-game, go for Endless Battle for the true damage effect, Blade of Despair for more damage on low HP targets, and Rose Gold Meteor for a bonus shield.
If you are struggling to make plays or farm, consider swapping one of your late-game items with either Winter Crown or Immortality.
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Recommended emblem and battle spell for Ling
Use this emblem set to maximize Ling's overall damage:

For the first emblem slot, equip Fatal for the extra crit chance and damage. The second slot needs to be Seasoned Hunter for increased damage against jungle creeps and objectives. For the third slot, pick War Cry to increase your damage with each consecutive hit on a target.
For Battle Spells, the Retribution is mandatory if you are the Jungler of the team. You can't farm jungle creeps efficiently without it, so make sure you equip it before the match starts.
Easy combo tips to learn
Ling has a complex gameplay mechanic. He can leap between walls, allowing you to quickly move around the map for a surprise gank or split push. However, each jump will consume energy, so you need to be careful of how many jumps you want to do. You need to also be able to cast skills after you do some parkour.
This is why you need to prioritize getting a blue buff whenever possible. Do not let the enemy or your allies get your buff, especially in the early to mid-game. Without your blue buff, your energy regeneration is very slow and you won't be able to do your full combo properly.

His Ultimate ability is your bread and butter. You can use it to gain temporary invulnerability and use your Skill 2 toward the swords for a multi-dash combo. Another effect to keep in mind is that enemies will be knocked airborne if they are standing in the middle of your Ultimate upon landing.

The best part about Ling in MLBB is that he can just do split pushes and apply pressure on lanes if he gets behind in resources. When done properly, it can delay your enemies' rotations and force them to respond, giving your team more breathing room to farm or contest objectives.
Hero and item counters for Ling
Hero counters
If Ling in MLBB wastes his energy trying to escape or chase enemies, it will eventually put him in a bad spot where he can't do anything until he regenerates energy. Heroes that have heavy crowd control effects like Valir, Kufra, Akai, and Chou, are good options to counter him.
Item counters
Ling has a very high crit chance and damage, this is why Blade Armor is the perfect counter if you play a Tank hero as it reduces overall crit damage received. If you are a carry or a marksman, consider buying Wind of Nature as your mid or late-game item. For mages, you can go for Winter Crown and use it when Ling uses his Ultimate.
That sums up our Ling build guide in MLBB. You are now ready to parkour your way to victory using the Cyan Finch.
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