MLBB Kalea Build guide: Best items, skills, emblem, combo

John Dave T. Rossel

John Dave T. Rossel

Check out the build guide on mastering the support hero Kalea in MLBB.

Kalea is a utility roamer in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) with powerful single-target crowd control abilities. Additionally, she can also heal allies with her passive. This can be a game changer considering there are only a few tank heroes that possess both crowd control and healing. A downside for Kalea's healing is that you cannot specifically target an ally to heal. This means it may not be as effective during a team fight where most of your allies will be on low HP.

On top of her Crowd Control and healing power, she can also jump through walls with her abilities. You can use this to set up ambushes or to move quickly around the map.

If you want to master the Suring Wave, here is a guide for Kalea in MLBB, including his best build, emblems, battle spells, combos, and hero counters.

Skill analysis for Kalea in MLBB

Passive: Surge of Life

After casting a skill, Kalea creates a Water Zone on the ground. When she casts a skill within this zone, she absorbs it to enhance her next few Basic Attacks, each with unique effects:

  • First Basic Attack: Kalea dashes to the target, dealing Physical Damage based on her Total Physical Attack.
  • Second Basic Attack: Kalea unleashes a flurry of attacks, dealing Physical Damage and restoring HP for herself and nearby allies, scaling with her Total HP and Magic Power.
  • Third Basic Attack: Kalea strikes the area around her target with her tail, dealing Physical Damage and creating a new Water Zone.

Enhanced Basic Attacks are not affected by Attack Speed.

Skill 1: Wavebreaker

Kalea slams her fist into the ground, creating a wave that damages nearby enemies, scaling with her Total Physical Attack.

Skill 2: Tidal Strike

Kalea charges forward and body slams the first enemy hero she encounters, knocking them airborne briefly and dealing Physical Damage based on her Total Physical Attack.
If she collides with an obstacle or reaches the edge of a Water Zone during her charge, she leaps into the air. The skill can be recast to slam down at a target location, dealing damage and knocking enemies airborne again.

UItimate: Tsunami Slam

Kalea grabs an enemy hero with her tail and slams them down in the Joystick's direction, dealing Physical Damage to the target and nearby enemies, scaling with her Total Physical Attack.

Best Kalea item build in MLBB

Use this recommended item build for Kalea in MLBB:

Start with Tough Boots for the Magic Resist followed by a Thunder Belt for the scaling defense. For the mid-game, go for Oracle to increase your self-healing. Afterward, go for Fleeting Time to reduce your cooldown with each kill or assist.

For the late game, you can go for a Queen's Wings followed by either Immortality or Winter Crown. If you are struggling against burst mages, switch one of your late-game items with the Athena's Shield.

This emblem set should complement Kalea's item build:

The Support Emblem should have Inspire on the first slot for the extra cooldown reduction. The second slot can have Pull Yourself Together or Tenacity, depending on your preference. As for the final slot, go for Concussive Blast.

For Battle Spells, Flicker is the most recommended for Kalea. This spell offers so much mobility, allowing you to surprise enemies and close the gap for a good Ultimate grab or ability knock up.

Easy combo tips to learn

If you're only chasing one hero, you can directly cast your Skill 2 toward them to knock them up quicker. This way, you won't have to hit a wall just to slam down for an AoE knockup. However, if you're dealing with multiple enemies grouped together, it is best to use an AoE knockup instead.

Skill 2 can grab enemies for a quick knockup or do a slower one by hitting a wall and doing an AoE knockup. (Image via
Skill 2 can grab enemies for a quick knockup or do a slower one by hitting a wall and doing an AoE knockup. (Image via

Unlike Atlas who can grab all targets within range, Kalea can only grab one hero with her Ultimate. However, its landing range is far longer. This allows you to grab enemy heroes and drag them inside an allied turret.

Once you grab the enemy using your Ultimate, you can drag your joystick to land on your chosen location. (Image via
Once you grab the enemy using your Ultimate, you can drag your joystick to land on your chosen location. (Image via

Try and cast abilities to create a Water Zone. This allows you to charge up your basic attack to activate the healing effect. The healing will target allies with the lowest HP.

Hero and item counters for Kalea

Hero counters

Just like other heroes with grab or heavy crowd control abilities, Diggie is the best counter for Kalea. This little owl's Ultimate can purify nearby allies while giving them temporary immunity to crowd control effects.

Other heroes that can be good counters include Baxia to reduce her healing power, or crowd control heroes like Tigreal, Chou, or Badang to stop her from reaching key targets.

Item counters

Items that reduce healing like Dominance Ice for tanks, Glowing Wand for mages, and Sea Halberd for physical damage heroes.

If you struggle to survive in team fights, go for Immortality or Winter Crown.

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