Check out the build guide on mastering the marksman hero Irithel in MLBB.
Irithel is a unique marksman hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) because she can attack enemies while moving. This allows her to poke enemies without having to stop just to do a basic attack, unlike most heroes in the game.
However, that's not the only perk she has in the game. She is also a perfect counter against tanks due to her armor-shredding ability. Additionally, she also has an AoE slow ability which can be useful when chasing enemies.
For this guide, consulted Team Falcons PH's marksman Marco "Super Marco" Requitiano this MPL PH Season 15 for recommendations on how to build Irithel right. Let's dive into it:
Skill analysis for Irithel in MLBB
Passive: Jungle Heart
Irithel and Leo's immaculate teamwork allows her to shoot while moving. Each Basic Attack will fire multiple crossbow bolts (but takes longer to refill), dealing Physical Damage per bolt based on her Total Physical Attack and inheriting a portion of Attack Effects.
Moving will build up Jungle Heart, and upon reaching the maximum limit, her next Basic Attack will unleash additional bolts.
Skill 1: Strafe
Irithel launches a volley of arrows at the target area, dealing Physical Damage based on her Total Physical Attack to enemies within and reducing their Physical Defense for a few seconds.
Skill 2: Force of the Queen
Leo lets out a piercing roar, dealing Physical Damage to nearby enemies and slowing them for a few seconds.
Ultimate: Heavy Crossbow
Irithel commands Leo to leap in the target direction and empowers her crossbow for a duration. During this time, she gains increased Movement Speed, and her Basic Attacks fire enhanced crossbow bolts, dealing extra Physical Damage to the target and nearby enemies. Jungle Heart also accumulates faster while the effect lasts.
Super Marco's best Irithel item build in MLBB
According to FLCN Super Marco, you should build the following items for Irithel in MLBB:
According to FLCN Super Marco, your boots will depend on your opponent. If you are facing a mage-type marksman like Harith, go for Tough Boots. However, if your opponent is a Physical Damage type, purchase Warrior Boots. Your next item for Irithel should be Haa's Claws for the added Lifesteal effect and Crit Chance.
For mid-game, go for Berserker's Fury for the stacking damage and Windtalker for the Movement Speed boost and ricochet effect on your basic attacks.
For the late game, you should invest in a Wind of Nature for extra survivability. If you think you don't need this item, replace it with Great Dragon Spear for more Movement Speed. Follow it up with the Malefic Gun as your last item for the increased attack range.
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Super Marco's recommended emblem and battle spell for Irithel
As for the Battle Speel, Super Marco suggests you use the following set:
For Irithel's Emblem set, Super Marco recommends the Custom Assassin Emblem. For the first slot, equip Fatal for the extra Crit Chance and Damage. The second slot can have Master Assassin to increase your 1v1 power. For the final slot, go for Quantum Charge for even more Movement Speed boost.
Easy combo tips to learn
You will most likely be picking your first skill on Level 1. This allows you to poke your enemy in the early game. You have the range advantage so make sure you shoot them whenever you can. Force them to recall back to base and waste a minion wave.
Once you have your Ultimate ability, always wait for your allies to start a fight. Unless you are confident with your skill, you should not be the one starting fights in the game. Your goal is to avoid being the center of attention.
Don't be afraid to use your Ultimate to escape or chase enemies. It has a low cooldown so you can use it frequently. The best combo you can do would be to use Skill 2 for the slow effect then use your Skill 1 and jump closer with your Ultimate before bombarding them with basic attacks while running in circles.
Irithel has one of the best mobility passives in the game. Never forget that you can do basic attacks while moving. Don't stop at anything or you risk getting hit by skill shots or crowd control effects.
Hero and item counters for Irithel
Hero counters
According to Super Marco, heroes that can lock down Irithel with Crowd Control effects like Badang and Khaleed are decent counters. Additionally, high-mobility heroes like Harith can also be viable.
Item counters
Since Irithel relies heavily on basic attack damage, marksman heroes can build Wind of Nature for temporary immunity to Physica Damage.
For tanks, there are a lot of options. You can go for Blade Armor or Antique Cuirass. If you want a defense that can scale infinitely, go for Thunder Belt.
For Mages, you can purchase Winter Crown or Immortality and stick close to your allies all the time.
That sums up our Irithel build guide in MLBB. For more mobile gaming news, stick around on