MLBB Granger build guide: Best items, skills, emblem, combos ft. TLPH OHEB

John Dave T. Rossel

John Dave T. Rossel

Check out the build guide on mastering the marksman hero Granger in MLBB.

Granger is one of the flexible marksman heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB). While he is currently being used in the Gold Lane, he is also a decent pick in the Jungle. This makes him a good hero to learn if you find yourself adjusting roles in ranked games.

What makes Granger such a strong hero pick is his ability to scale infinitely in a match. This allows him to be a monster in hard-carrying a team in the late game. However, he is a bit difficult to use, considering all his abilities are skill shots. No matter how strong he is, you still need to be precise with landing hits to make an impact.

Fortunately, was able to ask one of the Granger experts this MPL PH Season 15, Team Liquid PH's Filipino Sniper, OHEB, on his recommended build for competitive matches. Let's dive into it:

Skill analysis for Granger in MLBB

Passive: Capriccio

Granger's unique Demon Hunting Gun and Cannon are powered by Demonic Energy, starting with a set Energy cap. His Gun regenerates Energy at a faster rate than his Cannon. Defeating Minions or Creeps permanently increases the Energy cap of both weapons and restores a portion of Energy. Taking down enemy heroes or assisting in eliminations grants a greater permanent Energy cap boost and restores more Energy instantly.

Additionally, every bit of Cooldown Reduction Granger gains is converted into increased Physical Attack. Demonic Energy Cost is not affected by Energy Cost Reductions.

Skill 1: Rhapsody

Granger rapidly fires multiple shots with his Gun, each dealing Physical Damage and consuming Gun Energy. The final shot is guaranteed to Crit. Shots deal extra damage to Creeps and Minions. While firing, Granger's Movement Speed is slightly increased.

He stops firing when he runs out of Energy or if the skill is cast again. Rhapsody has a brief cooldown and can be used once his Gun Energy reaches a certain threshold.

Skill 2: Rondo

Granger dashes in the target direction using his Demon Hunter agility, instantly restoring a portion of his Gun Energy.

Rondo can be cast while channeling Rhapsody. Each time Rhapsody hits an enemy, Rondo’s cooldown is slightly reduced.

Ultimate: Death Sonata

Granger fires his Cannon in the target direction, dealing significant Physical Damage to the first enemy hero hit and others in the blast radius. Targets hit will be slowed and revealed for a brief duration. After each shot, Granger can roll in the Joystick's direction.

Death Sonata can be cast while firing Rhapsody. It has a brief cooldown and consumes a portion of Granger's Cannon Energy per shot.

OHEB's best Granger item build in MLBB

Here is the Gold Lane Granger item build in MLBB, recommended by TLPH's OHEB:

OHEB's Granger Item Build in MLBB. (Screenshot via
OHEB's Granger Item Build in MLBB. (Screenshot via

You usually start with normal boots at the start of the game but follow it with a Hunter Strike before upgrading to Tough or Warrior boots.

For your third item, OHEB emphasizes that the Sky Piercer is important for Granger. This allows you to finish off low HP targets.

The fourth one is Malefic Gun for extra attack range. However, this is purely situational, as you can also go for Malefic Roar for the massive Armor Penetration but without the bonus attack range. Keep in mind that you don't buy both items as there are more important items you should buy afterward.

The next item to build is the Blade of Despair (BoD) to further increase your damage against low HP targets. This complements well with Sky Piercer's passive effect that instantly kills enemies who are below a certain health threshold.

For the final item, OHEB recommends some defensive items like Wind of Nature for a brief Physical Damage immunity. Alternatively, you can get Winter Crown for temporary immunity to all damage, but you cannot move or cast spells for the duration.

According to OHEB, this Assassin Emblem set should complement well with the recommended item build for Granger in MLBB:

Oheb's Granger emblem build guide in MLBB. (Screenshot via
Oheb's Granger emblem build guide in MLBB. (Screenshot via

The first slot is Thrill for the extra Adaptive Attack. For the second slot, go with the Festival of Blood bonus for Spell Vamp. For the third and final slot, choose Lethal Ignition for extra damage, especially in the early game.

You can watch the video below to hear it straight from OHEB himself.

Easy combo tips to learn

In the early game, you should focus on last hitting minions to stack up Granger's Passive. If your allies are fine with you taking their waves, go for it. However, don't get so greedy that your allies won't have enough resources to keep up.

Keep in mind that you need to last hit a creep or minion to gain stacks. (Screenshot via
Keep in mind that you need to last hit a creep or minion to gain stacks. (Screenshot via

You can use your Skill 2 to reposition while using your Kill 1 or Ultimate. Furthermore, it can also be used to phase through thin walls. This is important as you can't change the angle of your skill 1 once you start firing them. At least the Ultimate allows you to dash after each cannon fire.

You can dash through thin walls using Granger's Skill 2. (Screenshot via
You can dash through thin walls using Granger's Skill 2. (Screenshot via

Don't get intimidated when you are behind in levels or items in the early to mid-game. Granger scales hard in the late game, so focus on gaining stacks by farming minions rather than forcing a kill on enemy heroes.

Hero and item counters for Granger

Hero counters

Granger has very high firepower but is quite squishy. This allows assassins like Helcurt, Selena, or Hayabusa to easily take him down.

Alternatively, heroes with good crowd control, like Guinevere, Hylos, and Tigrea,l can also lock down Granger. If he can't move, he can't do much in a fight.

Item counters

For item counters, Tank heroes can go for Antique Cuirass or Blade Armor to reduce the damage they receive from Granger. You can add Dominance Ice to the mix to reduce his healing and attack speed.

For Mages, the best item counters are Winter Crowd or Immortality. You will be staying in the back line, so Granger should not be able to get too close to you.

For marksman heroes, go for Wind of Nature. This will give you a brief period of immunity to physical damage. Similar to the Mage, you will need to stick behind your frontline tanks and fighters.

That sums up our Granger build guide in MLBB. You are now ready to compose a symphony of destruction and bring the final act to your enemies.

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