Can you change your number in MLB The Show 25?

Joey Carr

Joey Carr

Is a number change in the works?

MLB The Show 25 gives you plenty of control over your players regardless of what mode you're playing. However, where things can get a little sticky is with numbers. The number a player wears in baseball can be sacred, and every team has retired numbers that can't be worn by anyone. However, does that rule with a number still apply in MLB The Show 25?

Specifically, most players might try to change their number in the Road to the Show mode. Other players might want to switch around numbers in Diamond Dynasty or Franchise mode, though, as there can be a few of the same numbers on one team depending on the players you put on the roster.

For more on changing numbers in MLB The Show 25, keep reading the guide below.

How to change your number in MLB The Show 25 Road to the Show

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Screenshot by

First off, let's cover Road to the Show. In this mode, you create a player and give them their preferred number during the character creation process. When you start the mode in high school, your player will always have the same number that you selected. The same goes for if you attend college or join the Minor Leagues for the team that drafted you, either instead of college or after you get drafted again.

Basically, you'll have the same number, if you want it, until you reach The Show. However, it's here where your number can be changed without you even requesting it. If you join an MLB team that has retired the number you're wearing or features a prominent active player with the same number already, your number is automatically changed to something similar. This can be a little deflating, as you obviously have a number you like and would prefer to wear.

If you run into this scenario or just want to change your number in general in Road to the Show, here's how to do it:

  • Go to the main menu screen in Road to the Show
  • Tab over to the "Ballplayer" section at the bottom of the screen using R1/RB
  • Click on "Appearance" and then select "General Info"
  • Scroll to the bottom of the menu until you see your number and change it from there
  • Keep in mind, that if you select a new number that is also retired or in use by your MLB team, the game will change it automatically for you again
  • Try to pick a number that no one else uses or is retired. For example, you can't use the #9 on the Red Sox, even if it is your favorite number.
The game forces me to wear 12 even though my preferred number is 9. Screenshot by
The game forces me to wear 12 even though my preferred number is 9. Screenshot by

You can always come back to this menu and change your number again or change up just about anything regarding your player's appearance or gameplay.

Can you change numbers in other MLB The Show 25 modes?

Aside from Road to the Show, no other game mode in MLB The Show 25 allows you to change a player's number. However, if you add a player to the roster that has the same number as an existing player on the team, the game automatically changes their number so there are no duplicates.

You don't have a say in what number is selected, though. Usually, MLB The Show 25 prioritizes existing players and their numbers over newcomers. So if you have a perennial All-Star at third base and then trade for a new shortstop with the same number as the third basemen, the shortstop will likely receive a new number.

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