How to talk with Bats the ghost dog in Marvel Rivals

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore


3 min read

Here’s how to talk with Bats the ghost dog in Marvel Rivals, so you can complete the A Hounding Conversation achievement.

Marvel Rivals is full of awesome lore interactions and Easter eggs spread throughout its maps. If you're a perfectionist, you'll notice a lot of these unlock achievements for you to earn rewards with. There's one that has some players confused, though. It requires you to talk with Bats the ghost dog in Marvel Rivals.

Bats is Doctor Strange's blue-glowing spectral canine. He is in one of the Eternal Night maps where vampires have overtaken New York. You may never find it if you don't play the right mode, however, so we'll walk you through everything you need to know.

How to talk to Bats the ghost dog and complete A Hound Conversation in Marvel Rivals

The achievement in question is A Hounding Conversation. It is part of the Chronoverse Saga section. As you unlock different achievements, you earn Achievement Points that can grant you rewards like a title and even Units that can help you buy costumes.

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This one is particularly frustrating for players, because even after spending countless hours grinding Quick Match or Competitive, they haven't found Bats the ghost dog anywhere in Marvel Rivals. That's because he's in the separate Doom Match mode.

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(Screenshot via

So, follow these steps to chat it up with the pup and complete the achievement:

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  1. Select Doom Match and begin loading into a game
  2. Select either Squirrel Girl, Jeff the Land Shark, Spider-Man, or Thor as your character
  3. On the Empire of Eternal Night: Sanctum Sanctorum map, head to the main building
  4. Look near the staircase to find the dog either wandering around or sleeping on the ground
  5. Simply approach him with one of the necessary characters to trigger the conversation
  6. Listen to it play out to talk with Bats the ghost dog in Marvel Rivals
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(Screenshot via

Not every character works for this achievement, not even the dog's owner Doctor Strange. Pick one of those mentioned above in a live match. It does not work in a custom game. Do that and you'll be able to collect the A Hounding Conversation achievement.

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