Madden veteran and first-time champion, Fancy, delivers some tips on how to go pro after winning the MCS Kickoff Challenge.

Jacob "Fancy" Worthington spent years chasing the dream of winning a Madden championship. Well, that dream finally came true during the 2024 MCS Kickoff Challenge. He finally got a hold of that title belt, and we spoke with him shortly after about how he pulled out the victory.

Following our interview, Fancy was gracious enough to dish out some tips for our viewers. So, if you've ever wanted to up your game when it comes to Madden, or even try your hand at professional play, here's how Fancy says it can be done.

Fancy delivers tips on how you can play like a Madden pro

(Image via EA Sports Madden NFL)
(Image via EA Sports Madden NFL)

We asked Fancy what helped him reached the pinnacle of Madden esports. These are tips straight from him on what you need to do if you want to compete with the best:

Get an e-book

If you are serious about becoming a professional Madden player, Fancy's first tip is to invest in an e-book. There are free ones and more expensive, in-depth ones. These can help you with identifying defensive setups, what plays work well in certain situations, and much more.

"Competitive Madden is like a chess match. And buying that e-book really helped me understand that chess match. Because once you're learning these plays, you say to yourself, 'Okay, this play is going to be Cover 2. This play is going to be Cover 3. This play is going to be Man.' So, it really helps to understand the basics."

Watch and study the best

From traditional sports to esports, reviewing footage is an important aspect. Football teams watch tape to prepare. Esports teams review VODs to get ready for their upcoming match. Another Madden tip from Fancy says to do just that.

"Watch the best players play on Twitch and YouTube. Obviously, Henry's the GOAT. Watch him. Watch all the best players and replicate what they do. That's what I did when I started competing in Madden 19. I'd watch all of these players on Twitch and pretty much steal everything they do. The meta is the meta for a reason."

Master the Switch Stick

The Switch Stick is a new mechanic in Madden 25 that allows you to immediately switch the defender you are playing as by flicking the Right Stick in another defender's direction. In prior Madden games, swapping players was not as efficient as this feature. Lock down how it works for now and future editions of the game to become one of the best.

"I feel like I won the belt because of the Switch Stick alone. I feel like I was the best with it in the tournament, and my defense is what propelled me to winning... Once you master that feature, your defense will be a lot better."

Play the game and be patient

The final Madden tip coming from Fancy touches on the mentality of the game. It took him six years of playing competitively to win his first tournament. So, you never know how long it might take for you to reach the level you want. That's why it is important to keep grinding the game and stay patient through your improvement.

"Just play the game a lot. And don't expect to win... It's really not easy. You have to work really hard, you have to be talented, and you can't expect to win quickly. There are a lot of ups and downs, but you just have to put in a lot of work and play the game. That will put you on the right path to success."

Thank you to Fancy for providing these tips, so keep them in mind when you're looking to take your Madden play to the next level. Stay tuned to for more esports news!