Everything you need to master Aurora in the new Swarm game mode.
Aurora, the latest champion to join League of Legends, is playable in the new PvE Swarm mode, here's how to level up your Battle Bunny!
Aurora is an unusual character when it comes to Swarm, for a few reasons. Firstly, the Passive she cares about for her Signature Weapon is one of the two utility Passives, Experience. Secondly, her abilities give her an odd pacing and gameplay loop that feels very different from other characters. With that in mind, we've broken down everything you need to know about Aurora and her capabilities below, so let's get to it.
Swarm Aurora Guide
Aurora's abilities are as follows:
Passive: Every 7 levels, Aurora summons a new Spirit that trails behind her. It constantly deals damage to enemies nearby, and slows them.
E: Aurora dashes in a direction and is briefly unable to use Weapons or abilities. Afterwards, she is invulnerable and can act normally. While active, Aurora deals damage to any enemies run through but cannot use her Signature Weapon.
Ultimate: Aurora summons her Ultimate from LoL, a large circular zone that deals damage as it appears. Aurora cannot leave the area, and if she enters one side of the circle, she will teleport to the opposite side, dealing area damage around her when she arrives. She can close the area at any time.
Aurora Weapons Tier List

By the time you unlock Aurora, you'll have gotten used to the more basic characters, so it's time for change. Aurora's Passive and Signature Weapon both care about Experience a lot, so Aurora's priorities are often different from others. Here's how we rank Aurora's weapon options.
S Tier: The Annihilator, T.I.B.B.E.R.S, Gatling Bunny-Guns
A Tier: Uwu Blaster, Lioness' Lament, Iceblast Armor
B Tier: Statikk Sword, Radiant Field, Battle Bunny Crossbow, Bunny Mega-Blast
Aurora is one character that can use lots of the weapons with ease, but these are the ones that synergize best with her kit and the Passives she wants.
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Aurora Passives Tier List

As we've made reference to, Aurora is odd in what stats she cares about. Despite being a mobile mage, she's going to be running towards the enemy more often than not, so she'll often like picking up an extra defensive stat or two to help her out.
S Tier: XP, Duration
A Tier: Ability Haste, Armor, Damage, Critical Strike, Area Size
B Tier: Max Health, Armor
C Tier: Pickup Radius, Health Regen
Aurora mostly cares about Duration for her E and XP for both her Signature Weapon and her passive, so root those two out as often as possible and fill in the rest.
How to play Aurora in Swarm

Aurora is an odd, but mobile, threat in a Swarm game. Her Signature weapon is best used on Cursor Aim mode, as it will follow your cursor mid-air, allowing you to clear curved and custom paths through the Primordians.
Her E is best used to either get out of a dangerous situation in which you're surrounded. At the same time, it's relatively low cooldown for what it is, so don't be afraid to use it to run through swaths of enemies just to thin the horde and collect XP.
Her ultimate is odd, but it's best used around your allies. Since you only deal damage on arrival to the opposite side of her zone, you'll often want help clearing some of the excess mobs that will be closing in on your Ultimate. Try to use Aurora's ultimate when you're essentially being surrounded. You can freely pass through the sides of the zone without worrying about aiming.
Aurora is a skirmishers with huge combo potential, but she'll take some getting used to. Her mechanics aren't quite like the rest of Anima Squad, but this should be enough to get you on the road towards beating the game on even its Extreme difficulty. Best of luck, Battle Bunny!