The Worlds 2022 Pick’em allows players to start making their predictions right from the play-in stage and includes new updates to the Crystal Ball, Coin and Leaderboards. Find out how to make your picks before time runs out.
It's almost time for the biggest League of Legends esports event of the year which means Worlds Pick'em is also back again! League of Legend World Championship Pick'em is always a great way for fans to predict the outcome of matches during the tournament, compete for points and earn prizes.
For the 2022 edititon, Riot is retaining Crystal Ball feature and adding a few changes to the Coin feature. It is also switching things up with the leaderboard as you will now be able to see the top 100 players and track perfect Pick'ems. Here's our guide to this latest edition of Pick'em!
How to play Crystal Ball
Asides from participating in the Pick'em, players will be able to earn rewards by participating in the Crystal Ball that begins today. The Crystal Ball allows players answer 20 questions before the World Play-Ins start. These questions border on the champions, players, teams and the event itself. Moreover, all the questions are worth 50 points and you can change your answer before the Play-In starts on September 29th. All you need to do is log in to the Pick'em page to answer the questions. You will need to confirm your pick on every question answered.

Furthermore, there will be no automatic coin locks if you forget to lock your picks before 1:15pm PT on September 29. The scores of the Crystal Ball will be revealed after World finals.
How to play Worlds 2022 Pick'em for Play-Ins and Main stage
In Worlds 2022, players will be able to start Pick'em right from the Play-In stage. However, this will not be available in the Play-In group stage but the knockout stage. So, you'd have to be on alert from October 2th to lock in your teams as the first two knockout games will be played on October 3th. After this, you'd also have to lock in your last Play-In Pickem with the final stage of knockouts on October 4th.
For the main group stage, you have to predict the order in which teams will finish. Riot will open the Worlds 2022 group stage Pick'em from October 4 after Play-Ins and close it at 2:15 pm PT on October 7th.
After this, players will participate in the main knockout stage Pick'em that run from October 16th till November 5th. To ensure your picks are valid, you must lock them in before the allocated times.
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New Changes for the Coin

If you're not too sure what team to pick or you forget, the Coin is here for you. Riot used the Coin feature last year to help players make random selection incase they miss a pick stage. For Worlds 2022, the Coin will generate a random selection for each use by the player. So, if you'd like to use the coin without missing a stage, you can completely do that as it will pick everything for you. However, if you then flip the coin to make your pick instead, you can't change it afterwards.
Worlds 2022 Pick'em Scoring and Rewards
For the Play-Ins knockout stage, each correct pick gets five points. While each correct pick in the main group stage is worth two points. The players who correctly place teams in the right order will earn additional three points. And each correct pick for third and fourth place gets an extra two points. The maximum score each group is 16 points including an additional two points for perfect order.
The quarter final stage correct picks will get five points, 10 points for each semi-finals pick and 20 for World finals correct picks.

Rewards will be available both in the Pick'em and Crystal Ball categories. The rewards will be recieved based on performance in the categories played at the end of the tournament.
Additionally, Riot will give 6 Ultimate skins to players with Perfect picks in the group or knockout stage. Since there was no perfect pick last year, Riot has included guaranteed rewards for the top 5,000 higest ranked scores in both Pick'em and Crystal Ball.