Learning to play League of Legends is hard, but some champions can help you. Find out who are the best Arcane champions for beginners.

Starting to play League of Legends is not easy since the game has many aspects to learn. such as champion's abilities, map movements, objectives, gold, waves management, spells, runes, etc. There are so many details to understand before starting to play League of Legends it can be demotivating for some people. That's when esports.gg comes to your rescue: here are the best characters for beginners to learn how to play League of Legends.

Best champion for beginners: Heimerdinger

The cutest yordle in Arcane is also one of the easiest champions to learn as a beginner in League of Legends. Besides being very versatile and playing in three different lanes (top, mid, and support) Heimerdinger can stay safe in the lane by playing with his turrets. You just have to put them on the ground and they'll help you farm.

Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger skin (Image via Riot Games)
Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger skin (Image via Riot Games)

His W and E can be difficult to hit sometimes since you also have to predict where will your enemy move and for a beginner, it's hard. To use his ultimate, you have to choose which upgraded ability you want to use: the ult + Q will give you a stronger turret, while the W combo give you more missiles and the E will stun the enemies every time it jumps on the ground.

In the beginning, you might not understand which ultimate is better in which situations, but with playtime, you will get used to the macro gaming and when it's better to use what. Overall, Heimerdinger is a great champion to start playing League.

Best champion for beginners: Caitlyn

The best law enforcement in Arcane is Caitlyn herself. If you want to learn how to play in the bot lane with ability damage carries (ADC), Caitlyn is a great champion for you to try out. She's a very ranged champion which means you can play safely with her without so many risks of ganking. Besides that, you have a lot of pressure in the lane, you can run away from your enemies with your E ability that gives a little dash backward.

Snow Moon Caitlyn skin (Image via Riot Games)
Snow Moon Caitlyn skin (Image via Riot Games)

Her ultimate is very easy to use since you only have to click on the enemy you want to hit. You should definitely try Caitlyn. She's fun to play, she's a very well-designed champion and she's very strong. Everyone must try Caitlyn when trying to learn how to play League of Legends.

Best champion for beginners: Vi

Caitlyn's lover and one of the main characters from the Arcane series, Vi, is also a great jungler for beginners to start learning about League of Legends. Besides the first jungle clear (when you kill all your jungle's monsters from both the top and bottom sides), Vi can easily make her jungle, which makes her very reliable in the game. You can play her in multiple ways thanks to her diverse building items. You choose how you want her: assassin, bruiser, or even tank.

Primal Ambush Vi skin (Image via Riot Games)
Primal Ambush Vi skin (Image via Riot Games)

Her point-and-click ultimate will make your life easier when you have to gank (when the jungle goes help a side laner to kill the enemy or just help with farm pressure) your allies' lanes. She's a very fun champion so give her a try.

Best champion for beginners: Warwick

Arcane season two showed us the first real appearances of Warwick, the loved wolf of League of Legends. Warwick is one of the cheapest champions you can buy with blue essence in the game store. This wolf has a lot of lifesteal (which means he heals himself very easily), making it easier for the enemy to commit mistakes by trying to kill him. His high mobility makes you reach your jungle objectives faster, besides the fact that you can chase down your enemies at high speed, especially if they're with low life.

Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin (Image via Riot Games)
Prestige Winterblessed Warwick skin (Image via Riot Games)

The only difficult thing might be his ultimate that you have to hit your enemy, it's not point-and-click. If you fail, it's useless.

These are the four easiest champions to learn how to play in League of Legends that are present in Arcane's series. Don't miss the second season on Nov. 9.

That's all for now. Stick around for more news and updates on esports.gg.