Mi Yue is Honor of Kings’ 96th hero, specializing in the mid lane, a fighter mage who can absorb enemies’ health.
Honor of Kings (HoK) is expected to launch its 96th hero, Mi Yue, a mage character suitable for the mid-lane role. Official information about Mi Yue will be released later by HoK's developers, but here is some leaked information you might be interested in!

Honor of Kings Mi Yue release date
First released in December 2015 in China’s version of HoK, Mi Yue is a mage who can absorb an enemy's Health. Mi Yue will be the next hero to be launched after Shi, and be available in the game starting on November 23.

Honor of Kings Mi Yue skills
Mi Yue is a fighter-type mage who can summon crows to help her during fights by dealing damage while also absorbing health. She has movement speed buffs that help her kite enemies and an Ultimate that makes her temporarily immune to damage.
Below are Mi Yue's abilities descriptions as leaked by Shadow HOK. There might be minor differences between the leaked and the official launch versions.

Passive: Eternal Youth
Summon crows that automatically attack nearby enemies, dealing damage and even more to lane minions, however, their effect on jungle monsters is reduced.
Every time she summons crows, it slightly heals her and lets her gain Shadow Power (the purple bar under her health). This power increases her movement speed and healing effect.
She can summon up to six crows at once, but if her Shadow Power runs out, the crows will start disappearing one by one.
This passive makes her great for sustained fights and maintaining mobility during battles.

Skill 1: Dark Transfer
Damaging all enemies in its path. You can activate the skill again to teleport to the energy's location, dealing damage to nearby enemies upon arrival. If her teleport hits an enemy, she summons a crow to assist her.
This skill is versatile and works similarly to Arli's Ultimate. It's a vital tool for mobility whether you're chasing down opponents or making a quick escape.

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Skill 2: Ravenous Tether
Binding the first enemy it hit. The chain lasts for up to 4 seconds, during which she drains physical and magic attack power from the target every half second, while also reducing their movement speed.
Each time she drains power, she heals and deals magic damage to the enemy. If the connection lasts the full duration, she summons a crow. The chain will break if Mi Yue and her target are too far apart, so you have to be careful about your positioning.
This skill also has a passive effect. When connected with a target, Mi Yue's basic attacks are enhanced, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies by 10%. Each enhanced attack also grants her Shadow Power, which increases her movement speed and healing effects.

Ultimate: Umbral Moon
Gains a 30% movement speed boost and becomes immune to all effects for two seconds.
When she activates and exits this skill, she deals magic damage to all enemies within range. If the second damage hits an enemy, she summons a crow.
This skill is similar to Yuhuan's Ultimate but without the healing effect. It's a powerful tool to avoid dangerous enemy abilities or reposition during fights. Use it wisely to dodge critical skills.
How to obtain Mi Yue in HoK
Mi Yue is expected to be available in the shop with a price tag of either 18,888 Starstones or 13,888 Starstones. The hero can also be bought with Tokens or Limited-Time Tokens, but it is recommended to buy her with Starstones instead since you can get that currency more easily.
HoK Players might be able to get her at cheaper prices later on through weekly discounts. It's also possible to use a Trial Card to play her in matches.
More information about Mi Yue will be updated later, so stay tuned on esports.gg!