We recommend you to try these 5 Clash Lane Heroes that are perfect for HoK beginners.
Honor of Kings (HoK), like other MOBA games, features playable heroes classified based on their roles. One of these positions is the Clash Lane, or known as Top Lane and EXP Lane in other MOBA games.
While the majority of HoK players use Fighter or Tank in Clash Lane, there is no limitaton in what hero you can use in the lane. Sometimes, you may fa ind Mage like Heino and Milady or Marksman like Marcopolo filling the role, as long as it works on leading the team to victory.
Now, these are 5 HoK Clash Lane Heroes that are recommended for beginners.
1. Arthur

1. Holy Vanguard (Passive): Invokes the protection of the divine light to recover 2% max Health every 2s. If Movement Speed is impaired, the Health restored is doubled.
2. Valiant Charge (Skill 1): Enhances the next Basic Attack to dash, inflicting extra damage and silence.
3. Whirling Strike (Skill 2): Deals damage over time to nearby enemies in range.
4. Might of Excalibur (Ultimate): Jumps to the target enemy hero to deal damage. Launches all heroes within range.
Author's Note: Arthur is a Clash Laner with a straightforward kit, focusing on closing the gap between himself and the enemy backline. With his passive effects, he doesn't need to worry about health or mana during the laning phase.
Arthur is the most beginner-friendly Clash Lane hero in HoK, offering a straightforward gameplay style as a fighter/tank by using Skill 1 and Ultimate to close the gap between him and his enemy backline, while also using Skill 2 to deals additional AoE (Area of Effect) damage.
All of Arthur's abilities have low cooldowns and require no mana to cast, giving him a significant advantage during the laning phase and in duels with enemy Clash Laners.
Moreover, Arthur's passive skill allows him to recover 2% of his maximum health every 2 seconds. If your health is running low, simply stay out of combat for about 10 seconds, and you'll regain 10% of your max health, ready to jump back into the fight.
2. Wuyan

1. Petrifying Strike (Passive): Skills and Basic Attacks have a chance to petrify enemy heroes.
2. Storm and Stress (Skill 1): Dashes to the target and enhances the next Basic Attack to inflict extra damage and slow.
3. Shock and Awe (Skill 2): Deals damage to enemies in the specified area.
4. Hurricane Hammer (Ultimate): Swings the hammer for a period of time, continuously dealing damage to nearby enemies in range. Gains increased Movement Speed and a shield while the skill is used.
Passive: Grants shield periodically.
Author's Note: Wuyan is a unique Clash Laner that can petrify enemies with basic attack and abilities. However, her survivability is somewhat lower compared to other Clash Laners on this list, since she lacks health recovery effects and only gains a shield from her Ultimate.
Wuyan is a powerful fighter/tank hero similar to Arthur. Her selling point is her Passive, which grants a 50% chance to petrify enemies whenever she uses any of her abilities or basic attacks. However, keep in mind that the same target cannot be petrified again within 8 seconds.
Wuyan's basic combo involves using Skill 1 to close the gap with enemies, followed by Skill 2 and her Ultimate to unleash AoE damage. She becomes even more durable when activating her Ultimate, thanks to the shield it provides.
All of Wuyan's abilities, including her shield, scale with Physical Damage, making her more effective when built for full damage. However, if you prefer a more tanky approach, consider buying one or two tank items such as Cuirass of Savagery and Spikemail.
3. Lian Po

1. Warrior’s Soul (Passive): Gains immunity while using skills. Gains Battle Spirit upon entering combat, using Basic Attacks or skills. Battle Spirit increases damage reduction. Attack Speed increases at max Battle Spirit. When out of combat, Battle Spirit will diminish while restoring Health.
2. Burst Ram (Skill 1): Charges in the target direction, dealing damage and launching enemies in the path. Passive: Every 2 Basic Attacks, enhances the next Basic Attack to deal extra damage.
3. Magma Slam (Skill 2): Slows nearby enemies within a certain range. After a brief delay, deals damage to enemies in range.
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4. Tremor Smash (Ultimate): Leaps to the target location and hammers the ground 3 times. The first 2 blows deal damage and slow enemies, while the 3rd blow deals damage and launches enemies.
Author's Note: Lian Po is a heavy tank Clash Laner with high Defense, Immunity, Shield, Crowd Control, and abilities to catch the enemies. He has the role of engaging in teamfights while absorbing damages for his teammates.
Lian Po is one of the tankiest heroes in HoK, dedicating all his skill sets as a Clash Laner and also a Roamer to engage team fights while absorbing all damages toward his allies.
He has all needed from a Tank: High Defense, Immunity, Shield, Crowd Control, and abilities to close the gap to catch the enemies.
His Skill 1 and Skill 3 are not only dedicated to engage in teamfights, but also to letting Lian Po run away from inconvenient situations.
Lian Po’s Passive lets him immune to crowd control while using skills, which can be combined with his Skill 2 to gain additional Shield. These two skills, in addition to heavy defensive builds, will let you tank in ease without being scared of dying.
His main weakness is his short range, making him easy to kite by ranged Heroes. Additionally, as a heavy tank, he lacks damage which makes it hard for him to eliminate enemies without his teammate presences.
4. Dun

1. Unyielding Might (Passive): Periodic Passive Effect: When Health drops too low, taking damage will enhance Dun. While enhanced, hits from skills and Basic Attacks recover Health.
2. Wind Slash (Skill 1): Slashes in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies within range and slowing them. If the skill lands a hit, it can be used again before going into cooldown, dealing damage to enemies in range and launches them.
3. Gale's Benediction (Skill 2): Deals damage to enemies in range and grants a shield. Enhances the next 3 Basic Attacks, dealing extra true damage. Every enhanced Basic Attack reduces the cooldown of Unruly Blade.
4. Unruly Blade (Ultimate): Tosses his chain blade in the target location, stunning and dealing damage to enemies hit. When max range is reached or an enemy is hit, the chain blade will pull Dun to its location, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Author's Note: Dun is one of the best Clash Laners for prolonged fights, especially when his health is low, thanks to his Passive. He boasts a variety of crowd control (CC) abilities, and every one of his skills deals AoE damage.
Just like Arthur and Wuyan, Dun is also a formidable fighter/tank Clash Lane hero in HoK. His skill set is designed to help him survive longer in fights while dealing substantial damage to enemies. Like Lian Po, Dun can also fill the Roamer role.
His primary damage sources are his enhanced basic attacks, along with all of his abilities that deliver AoE damage. Additionally, he is also supported with crowd control effects in his Skill 1 and Ultimate, making him easier to deal damage effectively to impaired enemies.
Dun's durability came from the combination of his Passive and Skill 2, which grants him a shield when his health is below 50%. This combination also enhances his basic attacks, enabling him to deal true damage and gain life steal, making him unstoppable in prolonged battles.
Similar to Arthur, Dun can also close the gap to the enemy backline. His Ultimate allows him to toss a chain and pull himself towards a target direction. The cooldown can also be reduced by 1 second every time Dun successfully hit his basic attack.
5. Biron

1. Fearless Chariot (Passive): Accumulates charge when Basic Attacks or unenhanced skills land hots. Charged skills inflict extra effects. While having at least 1 bar, Basic Attack hits recover Health.
2. Electrifying Charge (Skill 1): Swings his weapon in the target direction, dealing damage and recovering Health with every hit. While charged, deals more damage and recovers more Health.
3. Storm Strike (Skill 2): Dashes in the target direction, gaining an enhanced Basic Attack that deals damage and slow targets. While charged, the next Basic Attack deals more damage, and the slow effect is changed to a launch effect.
4. Force Field Suppression (Ultimate): Gains a shield while damaging and slowing nearby enemies. While charged, the skill deals more damage grants a stronger shield,and produces a spark that deals damage to nearby enemies while stealing Movement Speed from enemy heroes.
Author's Note: Biron is a powerful Clash Laner who can enhance his abilities by consuming energy. As a top picks among pro players, his skill set is packed with effects, including hard crowd control, life steal, shields, buffs, and debuffs. To maximize his impact in teamfights, make sure to stack his energy before engaging.
Biron stands out as the strongest Clash Laner on the list, often contested in the competitive scene despite being easy of use compared to other meta picks. His playstyle relies on using abilities and basic attacks to restore energy (maximum of three bars), which can then be consumed to enhance his next abilities.
As a true fighter, Biron has an impressive toolkit: hard CC, life steal, shields, self-buffs, debuffs, as well as solid damage output. These features make him highly resilient, allowing him to survive even when facing multiple enemies. For optimal performance, it’s recommended to build a mix of 3 physical damage items and 3 tank items, further boosting his survivability.
To maximize Biron's potential, it’s advisable to fill his energy bar to three by attacking minions or jungle monsters before entering a team fight. This strategy enables him to unleash all three enhanced abilities at once during oneteam fightt.
Stay tuned on esports.gg for more HoK Heroes recommendations, guides, news, and more!