We have dived into the depths of Sunken City to dredge the amazing Achievement guide done by Zeddy. Check the best way to get to 100%.
Zeddy has done his magic once again, bringing us an Achievement Guide for Voyage to the Sunken City Hearthstone expansion. This time, it seems that we are not facing any impossible challenges like YoggChamp, but if you want to cruise Voyage to the Sunken City’s Achievement, follow this guide. Upon completing, you will be able to earn over 16,000 experience points for your Rewards Track.
Where to complete Achievements?
The first thing you need to know is that Achievements can only be completed in the following game modes:
- Standard
- Wild
- Arena
- Duels (Heroic or Casual)
The best place to hunt for Sunken City achievements is Wild since you can work with fewer restrictions. If you happen to be a budget player who doesn’t own every card, for some of them, you can try to do them on Arena or in Casual Duels and get the cards on buckets. Constructed Casual or Friendly matches won’t count towards achievements.
Just like in previous expansions, in Sunken City, each class has 3 achievements. Two of them are “easy” and the third one is more complex or long in most cases. On top of that, there are 17 “neutral” achievements that you could be able to complete with any class.
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Zeddy’s Sunken City Achievement Guide
First of all, make sure you drop Zeddy a follow and check his video guide where he talks about the details of every Sunken City Achievement. Furthermore, if you would like to complete some old Hearthstone achievements, he has done guides for them too.
Every deck code for Sunken City’s Achievements is posted in this Document Zeddy made. Don’t stress if you don’t have every card, there are many ways of getting them done. However, some might take a bit longer with lists that aren’t specially designed to get the achievements.
Remember, you can also do them in Arena or Duels if you don’t own the specific achievement cards. Furthermore, there are ways of discovering most of the legendaries, like with Amalgam of the Deep.
What do I get for completing Sunken City’s Achievements?
To begin with, Sunken City’s achievements will give you experience, but only during the expansion period. This experience counts towards your Rewards Track and can help you get Gold, Packs, Arena Tickets, and many cosmetics if you have the Battle Pass.

This being said, achievement hunting isn’t the most efficient way to get experience or progress in your Rewards Track. Experience given is just a cherry on top for players that like to complete the game at 100%. To give you a framework, you will get more experience if you complete 2 weeks of Quests.
On top of the over 16,000 experience points, you will get, Sunken City Achievements also grant Achievement Points. These Achievement points are only for bragging rights and just serve as “Internet Points”. Despite they aren’t a currency, they are part of a system for fans to complete the game catching every easter egg out there.
Hope you enjoyed this guide, credits to Zeddy for the content. Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the tavern.