Worried about what to destroy the Horde with? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back with the best decks for Day 1 of the expansion.
Hearthstone’s newest expansion United in Stormwind launches in just a couple of hour. The inns of the city are preparing to be jam packed with cardslingers from all over Azeroth! But… after we’ve opened all of the packs, celebrated all of the Legendaries, what will we actually play?!
Fear not! The finest innkeepers in the city have you covered. We compiled an A-list of theorycrafted decks, made by some of the best players & streamers. Here are the best United in Stormwind Decks for Day 1!
Quest’thun Demon Hunter
Creator: Rarran
Demon Hunter main Rarran decided to make use of Glide, a rare inclusion in current lists, to make the new questline work. To make it worth our while though he also incorporated C’thun, the Shattered – now that’s value!
Dust Cost: 4440
Deck Code: AAECAea5AwS/4AP39gPJ+QOzoAQN2cYD1tED+dUD8+MDwvED9fYDifcDivcDmfkDgIUEg58Etp8EtKAEAA==

Elune Druid
Creator: Dekkster
Combining beasts, taunts & trees, Dekkster’s deck capitalizes on Greybough & the new Oracle of Elune for some insane combos.
This list packs some intense token-style pressure while remaining defensive against all these pesky aggressive Day-1 decks.
Dust Cost: 7680

Razakus Hunter
Creator: FenoHS
Previous Grandmaster & World Title contender Feno steps away from Mankrik & the beast-package to give us an entirely new way to SMOrc! This miracle hunter draws inspiration from the infamous Razakus priest (that’s still dominating the Wild Format by the way) & makes sure to have an alarming amount of sustained damage.
Dust Cost: 8040
Deck Code: AAECAR8G/fgDj+QD5e8D2PkDqIoE/OgDDJT8A/f4A5/sA6qfBPLhA7nQA6mfBNvtA7ugBP7RA7qgBJboAwA=

Mozaki Mage
Creator: Apxvoid
If the Mage expert Apxvoid himself calls it the "best mage deck of the expansion", you know it's something special.
This deck spell-heavy deck is his take on the fiery future of Mage. With only 3 minions, this deck's game plan is one as old as time. One Turn Kills baby.
Dust Cost: 4680

Dude-Quest Paladin
Creator: RegisKillbin
While many players chose to build hand-buff versions for Paladin, YouTuber RegisKillbin decided to go wide on board.
Essentially playing to swarm, this deck proves that there's still a lot to explore. Who knows, we might just be seeing the return of this rarely seen class.
Dust Cost: 7520
Deck Code: AECAZ8FBIfeA7T2A9b5A9j5Aw2ezQOfzQOi3gPh5AOW6APM6wPN8gPw9gP09gOV+QPJ+QOuigTKoAQA

N’zoth-Shadow Priest
Creator: J Alexander
Although he’s mostly known for being a Rogue master, J Alex can hold his own in the top of the legend-ladder with just about any class you’d throw at him.
This Shadow Priest build picks up new Deathrattle synergies & mashes them up with N’zoth & Darkbishop Benedictus to create a much more proactive build for the class.
Dust Cost: 11760
Deck Code: AAECAa0GBrv3A/vRA8i+A6bvA5vYA8jvAwyG9wP08QOI9wPJ+QPXzgOb6wPi3gP44wOa6wPM+QP+0QOW6AMA

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SI:7-Miracle Rogue
Creator: Avelline
Miracle Rogue lovers rejoice, the deck is back in force! Pro player & streamer Avelline fused the new questline package with the reliable miracle core of the Forged in the Barrens meta
The result is this very SMORcy list that’s bound to be a force in the early days of the meta.
Dust Cost: 5880
Deck Code: AAECAaIHBKb5A8PhA7CKBPWfBA3z3QOh9AOqywOO9AOq6wOo6wPevgP2nwTn3QOj9QOm9QOf9AOr6wMA

Battlecry-Evolve Shaman
Creator: Orange
Coming from the mind of one of the best competitors in the game’s history we have a list that brings back the old favorite evolve mechanic with an elemental twist!
Sporting an impressive draw engine, this fast-paced shaman list is sure to not run out of cards, essentially eliminating the class’ main weakness.
Dust Cost: 11280
Deck Code: AAECAaoIBob6A5zOA+fwA6/uA9j5A9b5Awzw1AOt7gPh7AOq3gPO+QPJ+QPg7APj7gPA9gPduAPj9gPG+QMA

Menagerie-Quest Warrior
Creator: Nohandsgamer
Grandmaster Nohandsgamer not one to doubt. He is one of the most successful deck-builders in the game’s history. Remember Tier-1 decks like Galakrond Warlockor Egg Warrior? Yeah, that him!
In this list, Nohands takes Warrior’s deceptively aggressive new questline and uses it to apply pressure. Don't be fooled though, this is still a control list through and through.
Dust Cost: 13460
Deck Code: AAECAQcMvrkD+cIDk9ADm9gDwN4DxN4D9N8Dju0Dj+8DmPYDyfkDzPkDCc2+A7XeA4/tA5X2A5b2A5f2A8/7A4igBImgBBAA=

Fatigue-Zoo Warlock
Creator: MeatiHS
Renowned coach & frequent member of the “Rank 1 Legend Club” Meati strays away from the common control builds with this incredibly aggressive take on the new questline!
Using Fatigue as a source of consistent damage the deck eliminates an old issue Zoo Warlocks had to face.
Dust Cost: 8920
Deck Code: AAECAa35AwSE+wPWuQPn8APY+QMN184Dlc0DhKAEzNIDm80Dy7kDiO8Dk+QDk94DtrkDiu8DtbkDwdEDAA==

Are you ready for United in Stormwind?
With these decks, you should be more than ready to charge into battle, regardless of your class of choice! While these are some of the most promising we've found thus far, things are definitely going to change in the coming days.
For more updates about the United in Stormwind expansion and Hearthstone content, stay tuned to esports.gg.