Prepare yourself to collect every Hearthstone Death Knight class card as soon as the March of the Lich King expansion arrives with this guide.
Hearthstone is all about one thing these days, the new Death Knight class and their cards. We have seen some reveals already. However, do you know how to get those cards once the March of the Lich King expansion launches?
Fear not. Today we will cover where you can obtain every Death Knight card.
Death Knight, the new Hearthstone class
Hearthstone's expansion announcement exceeded expectations with the new Death Knight class. The March of the Lich King Hearthstone expansion brings new keywords and mechanics, but today we will be talking about Death Knight class cards. For info on the previous topics, check out our dedicated articles.
Death Knight is Hearthstone's eleventh class and will need a way to catch up with other classes. When the March of the Lich King expansion hits, there will be 6 expansions in Standard.
Furthermore, the Death Knight class introduces a new concept to deckbuilding: Runes. This complex deckbuilding concept has to do with the fact that "three classes were built into just the single Death Knight class", as Cora said.
Essentially, Runes limitate how players can combine Death Knight cards in any given deck. You can review our guide to master Runes before the expansion launches.
How to get Death Knight class Hearthstone cards
As soon as the March of the Lich King expansion goes live on December 6th, everyone will want to play with the new toy. However, not all of the 68 class cards will appear on expansion packs. Hearthstone set three different sources to obtain Death Knight Class cards:
- Core Set
- Path of Arthas Bundle
- March of the Lich King packs

Core Set
Death Knights will get the largest class Core Set in Hearthstone with 32 cards to compensate for the late release and the deck-building restriction. Hearthstone players can unlock these 32 cards for free after completing the special Prologue on December 6th.
This single-player adventure will follow Arthas Menethil's descent into darkness story. If you were around when Blizzard released Demon Hunter, then you will find this familiar. The adventure should be easy to beat with the focus put on Arthas storyline.

Related articles
Path of Arthas Death Knight Bundle
On top of the Core Set cards, the Death Knight class will have an exclusive Hearthstone Bundle: the Path of Arthas. This bundle will include 26 unique cards of the following rarity:
- 3 Legendary cards
- 3 Epic cards (2x)
- 9 Rare cards (2x)
- 11 Common cards (2x)

This bundle works similarly to an expansion Mini-set, with one substantial difference. The Death Knight class cards included in the Path of Arthas Bundle will not be obtainable via expansion packs. Yes, Blizzard is partially pay-walling their new content.
Fortunately, the Path of Arthas pack will be included in March of the Lich King Pre-Purches Mega Bundle. Players can purchase the bundle separately using 2000 Gold or 1500 Runestones. Additionally, Hearthstone players who don't want to buy the Path of Arthas bundle will be able to craft these cards.
March of the Lich King expansion
Last but not least, the expansion March of the Lich King will bring 10 unique Death Knight class cards to the game. These cards will appear on packs regardless if they are Standard packs, class packs or March of the Lich King packs.

Where to find Death Knight cards
Reveal season started, and we are all refreshing the card library to see the new cards. While this trick works for every card in the March of the Lich King Hearthstone expansion, the Death Knight class works differently.
As we mentioned, Death Knight class cards come from three different buckets. This means that when searching in the library, not every DK card will appear in the March of the Lich King expansion tab. To solve this, you can just filter for class and set the collection to Standard or Wild.
You will find that cards from different sets have their distinctive watermark behind the text identifying their origin.
If you want to be on top of everything and be prepared for the next expansion, I recommend you check our other March of the Lich King articles. In them we cover all you need to know:
That's all for now, but stay tunned to for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the tavern.