If you want to get to Hearthstone Legend on Twist mode, check out which are the top performing decks! Codes included!
Hearthstone Twist Season 2 is live under the Wonders XL Format. This format is an extension of the game mode's first season but with an extra Twist given that Hearthstone players can build decks using 30 to 40 cards.
What's Hearthstone Twist
Before we jump into the decks section, let's add some context on what Hearthstone Twist consists of. This new mode released in late June came to replace Classic but aimed to be more dynamic.
"Twist is a Hearthstone ladder Mode with regularly rotating seasons, each with a twist on the rules! Twist formats can include curated card pools and special rulesets. These formats are sure to bring back some of your favorites but in a new setting with a new meta to crack!"
During October, players will be able to build Twist decks with anything between 30 to 40 cards, getting an equal amount of total life points. This means that you can have a 38-card deck, and that will boost your initial health points to 38. During Twist's second season, Wonders XL Format only the following Hearthstone sets will be legal:
- Legacy (not Core or Classic)
- Curse of Naxxramas
- Goblins vs Gnomes
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- The League of Explorers
- Whispers of the Old Gods
- One Night in Karazhan
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Caverns of Time
This article is periodically updated with new Twist decks for different classes, so think about revisiting it every month to check out what's new in the game mode, especially after big updates.
Hearthstone Twist decks
Despite the mode not being immensely popular, it's still a place you might want to visit to taste something different than Standard but not as warped as Wild. For that, we bring you the following Hearthstone Twist decks for you to try.
They are not in any particular order, they are all powerful options piloted by different content creators to legend or taken from stats websites.
Corbett #6 Legend Hearthstone Twist Handbuff Paladin Deck

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Code: AAEEAe20BgbgrAKRvAKUvQKXoATRoQbaoQYR9gSBDvKwAs+8AqC9Avm9Avq9Aqa+ApGfBPafBPefBO6gBJzUBKTUBL2eBtmhBtmiBgAA
Hearthstone Twist Meta
As you might have noticed, the meta isn't very diverse. The brutal reality is that Hearthstone players who want to succeed on Twist will soon realize that there are only a few decks that stand over the rest.
The HSReplay.net class power ranking shows that clearly. Besides the two top performers Paladin and Warlock, the rest of the classes are below 50% winrate.

Players who like this alternative mode should not lose hope. Hearthstone Twist has a monthly rotating format that will let different decks shine. It's only a matter of how well each ruleset lands and how the team reacts adding bans and balance changes.
You can find more stats and decks on HSReplay.net and Hearthstone Decks site. As always, stay tuned to find out and check out more Hearthstone content including news and guides. Be sure to visit esports.gg for all the latest esports news. See you next time in the Tavern