Here’s our Top 2 Tavern Brawl guide that includes deck codes and strategies.
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Top 2! In Top 2, you can only choose two cards from your collection. After these cards are selected, your deck will be filled with them. Read on for our weekly guide, which includes some Top 2 Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes.

Hearthstone Top 2 Tavern Brawl deck codes
- Soulfire and Hand of Gul'dan: AAEBAcn1AgLOB7W5AwAAAA==
- Pogo-Hopper and Shadowstep: AAEBAYO6AgLX+gL2nwQAAA==
- Ice Block and Ice Lance: AAEBAYHPBgKsAcABAAAA
- Astral Automaton and Power Chord: Synchronize: AAEBAa0GArvHBabxBQAAAA==
- Patches the Pirate and Embiggen: AAEBAZICAvutA5G8AgAA

Hearthstone Top 2 Tavern Brawl decks
Since only two cards are involved in this particular Tavern Brawl, there are a lot of possibilities. If you favor the Warlock class, then Soulfire and Hand of Gul'dan make a deadly combo. Soulfire can deal damage to face while Hand of Gul'dan can get discarded and fuel your hand.

If you like the Rogue class, then you can go for the classic Pogo-Hopper and Shadowstep combo. Pogo-Hopper's Battlecry involves gaining +2/+2 for each Pogo-Hopper you've played in the game. Shadowstep then returns a Pogo-Hopper minion to your hand and reduces its mana cost.

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Top 2 Tavern Brawl guide
There's also the Ice Block and Ice Lance option for Mage players. While Ice Block prevents lethal and helps you stall for a turn, Ice Lance freezes a character and deals damage if a character is already frozen. Target your opponent's face with Ice Lance spells and the occasional ping for lethal.

Next, the Astral Automaton and Power Chord: Synchronize combo for the Priest class means buffed Mechs galore. This is because Astral Automaton has +1/+1 for each other Astral Automaton you've summoned in a match. Meanwhile, the Power Chord: Synchronize spell can add a copy of a selected minion to your hand and give both minions +1/+2.

Another way to win with buffed minions is by selecting the Druid class. Use Patches the Pirate with the Embiggen spell to deal damage. Embiggen gives all of the minions in your deck +2/+2. Meanwhile, Patches the Pirate makes use of its minion type because after you play him, another Patches the Pirate gets summoned from your deck.
These are just a few ideas, but the possibilities are endless in this Top 2 Tavern Brawl. As you face more opponents, you can adjust your class and cards to keep up with the evolving meta.
That's all for now. Stick around on for more Hearthstone news, guides, and updates!