May the RNG gods be in your favor.

This week's Tavern Brawl is Too Many Portals! Read on for our quick guide on how this particular Tavern Brawl works and how to claim victory.

Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl information (Image via
Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl information (Image via

Hearthstone Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone's Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl features the Unstable Portal spell. After you enter the game mode and select a class, your pre-made deck will be filled with 23 Unstable Portals. The rest of your deck will be random cards from your chosen class.

Hearthstone Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via
Hearthstone Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via

Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl class

One of the best Hearthstone classes to use in this Tavern Brawl is Mage. This is because it's possible to get class spells that can help with board clear. You can also try for the Warlock class if you'd like to draw cards using the Life Tap hero power. However, keep in mind that Life Tap typically costs 2 mana. An Unstable Portal typically costs 2 mana as well. We say this because there are ways to decrease the cost of the spell.

Hiffar is both a Mage and Hunter minion (Image via
Hiffar is both a Mage and Hunter minion (Image via

Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl tips and strategy

Since this Tavern Brawl features random minions gained from Unstable Portals, your strategy should be flexible. If you spot any useful synergies, then make sure to leverage them. For example, when we played the Elemental Companion spell, we received the Hiffar minion. This card made our other Unstable Portals cost only 1 mana each. We then used this to our advantage and received discounted minions.

Frantic Hippogryph in Hearthstone (Image via
Frantic Hippogryph in Hearthstone (Image via

Meanwhile, our opponent also had luck on their side. After playing Parade Leader, they received the Frantic Hippogryph minion from an Unstable Portal. These two cards synergized well because Parade Leader buffed Frantic Hippogryph's attack.

Parade Leader in Hearthstone (Image via
Parade Leader in Hearthstone (Image via

The tides then turned again because we played Muck Plumber. This card increased the cost of everyone's minions. After we played it, our opponent had to either clear the board with a spell or summon a useful minion at an increased cost.

Muck Plumber in Hearthstone (Image via
Muck Plumber in Hearthstone (Image via

Eventually, we went face for lethal. Since this was our first Tavern Brawl victory of the week, it resulted in a free Standard card pack.

Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via
Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via

That's all for now. Stick around on for more Hearthstone news, guides, and updates!