Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl guide

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

It’s time to test your Hearthstone knowledge!

This week's Tavern Brawl is Say My Name! Originally part of a secret puzzle, this game mode is now publicly available for everyone. Read on for our Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl guide for some tips and tricks on how to claim victory!

Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl chalkboard (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl chalkboard (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl guide

To win the Say My Name Tavern Brawl, you must correctly match the card names in your hand with the card images on the board. Each card in your hand has a different name on it. On the board, there are 14 cards in total. Therefore, match these 14 cards with their correct names. You have about two minutes to do this.

How to the Say My Name Tavern Brawl works (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
How to the Say My Name Tavern Brawl works (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

In the screenshot above, we matched Justicar Trueheart with her card name in our hand. She's the legendary 6/4 neutral minion located near the top-left corner. Next, in the screenshot below, we quickly matched Vol'jin in our hand with Vol'jin's artwork on the board. He's the legendary 6/2 Priest minion located near the bottom-right corner.

Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Say My Name Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Keep matching the cards with their correct names. Note that there will also be six cards in your hand after matching all 14 of them. This means some of the names in your hand have no matches on the board.

Continue matching the cards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Continue matching the cards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Make sure that you match the cards carefully as well. This is because making one incorrect match restarts the whole Tavern Brawl.

How to win in the Say My Name Tavern Brawl (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
How to win in the Say My Name Tavern Brawl (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Say My Name Tavern Brawl tips and tricks

Your Hearthstone knowledge over the years gives you an advantage since that helps you match the cards faster. You can simply match the cards on the board in order or match them by groups such as doing the legendary minions first and following that up with Murlocs, for example. Additionally, the card images and names reasonably go together, allowing you to infer some correct answers.

You can also match all the legendary minions first if you're more familiar with them (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
You can also match all the legendary minions first if you're more familiar with them (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

If you need help with matching the remaining cards, then you can visit Google, click on the "Images" tab, and type in "Hearthstone" plus the name of a card in your hand. Doing this brings up a picture of what the card looks like. Remember — you have to be quick about it!

Gameplay screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Gameplay screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

If you're not familiar with the majority of the cards, then you can press the undo button within the Say My Name Tavern Brawl to re-roll for a new set of them. Quickly glance over them to estimate how many you can match on your own.

Victory screen (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Victory screen (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Matching all 14 cards results in a free Standard card pack plus the Say My Name achievement.

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more Hearthstone news, guides, and updates!