It is Mill Druid’s time to shine.

This week's Tavern Brawl is Pick a Hand, Any Hand! Read on for some Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes.

Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl information (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl information (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl strategy

This Hearthstone Tavern Brawl requires you to select the first seven cards of your deck. Then, the game fills the rest of your deck with Unstable Portal spells. Claiming your first victory of the week in this Tavern Brawl results in a free Standard card pack.

Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

One way to claim victory in Pick a Hand, Any Hand is through a mill deck. In Hearthstone, this term means making your opponent draw lots of cards. The goal is to draw out their entire deck and get them into the fatigue state. Whenever a player reaches fatigue, they lose an increasing amount of health whenever they try to draw another card.

Fatigue in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Fatigue in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl guide

As an example, a viable Pick a Hand, Any Hand deck is Mill Druid. The seven cards in this variation of the deck include two Biology Project spells, one Jade Idol, two Naturalize spells, one Galvanizer, and one Steamcleaner minion.

The key card here is Steamcleaner. This minion destroys all cards in everyone's decks that didn't start there. Therefore, playing this card destroys all of the free Unstable Portal spells in both players' decks.

Steamcleaner in Mill Druid (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Steamcleaner in Mill Druid (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

You can play Steamcleaner earlier in the game by making use of the Biology Project spells and, if available, the Coin or Galvanizer. If your opponent has a sticky minion on the board that you need to get rid of, then Naturalize is your friend.

After you clear out your opponent's deck and your own, you can start using the Jade Idol spell. This card always gives you two options. You can either summon a Jade Golem or shuffle three copies of the spell into your deck.

Jade Idol in Mill Druid (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Jade Idol in Mill Druid (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

In this example's variation of Mill Druid, make sure to choose the latter option when you first play Jade Idol because you only have one copy of it to start.

The more Jade Golems you summon, the stronger they will become. That board presence and pressure to face is a lot to deal with since your opponent can only depend on the cards they began with and random spells or minions that they may have gained throughout the match.

Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl gameplay (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl gameplay (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Pick a Hand, Any Hand Tavern Brawl decks

  • Reno Mill Druid: AAEBAZICA7S7Atf+Av/hBALpAY/2AgAA
  • Budget Mill Druid: AAEBAZICA7S7Atf+Av/hBALpAY/2AgAA
  • Jade Druid: AAEBAZICAf/hBAO0uwLLvALdvgIAAA==

To copy and paste a Tavern Brawl deck code, you must choose your class and add any card to the deck first. Then, copy the Hearthstone deck code and click into the game again. A prompt then asks if you would like to replace your current deck with the one on your clipboard. Press the "Yes" button to proceed.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news, guides, and updates!