Here’s our Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl guide that includes deck codes alongside some tips and tricks.

Right on theme for the upcoming Whizbang’s Workshop expansion, this week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Miniature Warfare! Read on for our Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl guide, some deck codes, and more.

Hearthstone Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl

In Miniature Warfare, you must build your own deck to duke it out against others. The catch is that all of your minions have one attack and one health. Additionally, all of your minions only cost a single mana. After creating a deck, press the "Brawl" button and get ready for battle. Winning your first weekly brawl results in a free Standard card pack.

Hearthstone Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl information (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl information (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl strategies

Some cards can be used to cheat out more minions and spells to create a lethal combo in the very first few turns. Card draw is also important to get out your combo pieces and not run out of options in your hand during a game. Don't forget about the board clear.

Hearthstone Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl deck (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl deck (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

For example, if you're playing the Priest class, then a minion like Radiant Elemental gives you a discount on spells. You can then strategize with minions such as Malygos, Prophet Velen, and Faceless Manipulator for extra spell damage and go face with Mind Blast.

Malygos, Prophet Velen, and Faceless Manipulator in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Malygos, Prophet Velen, and Faceless Manipulator in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

Miniature Warfare Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes

  •'s Mind Blast Priest: AAEBAa0GBgmiArQDkwS5sgLRwQIM+wGXApwCtAKhBPgH+wzDwQLYwQLwzwKf6wLBmAMA
  • Ben Hearthstone's Big Minions Shaman: AAEBAdL8BRbFBIIOhRe5sgK5mQPanQOm7wPZ+QOpgQSwigSlrQTptgS8zgS/zgTp0ATm5AXBlAaplQbIngaAnwb2owayuAYE26QE4LUEp9QE+KAFAAA=
  • MahjongDaily's Lorthemar Priest: AAEBAcOPBBDFBKirAubMAoOnA9+pA46xA/rfA/3fA6WtBOWwBL/OBO+iBebkBc/2BaSdBvajBge94QOU5APXkgTbpATExwXL9gWangYAAA==
Xhilag of the Abyss in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Xhilag of the Abyss in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

A card like Volatile Skeleton can hurt your opponent as well because clearing it results in dealing damage to a random enemy. There's also the possibility of focusing heavily on minion-based combos and flooding the board in the early game. A Demon Hunter card like Xhilag of the Abyss, for example, can prove deadly because it increases the damage of Xhilag's Stalks at the start of the player's turn.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Gadgetzan Auctioneer in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Gadgetzan Auctioneer is also useful in this Tavern Brawl. That's because whenever you cast a spell, it draws you a card. This can be beneficial in getting out your combo pieces as quickly as possible.

These are just a few ideas, but the possibilities are endless! You can adjust your deck as you face more and more opponents to get a better idea of the constantly-developing meta.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more Hearthstone news, guides, and updates!