Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl: Heroic Brawliseum decks and deck codes

Amy Chen

Amy Chen


4 min read

Also known as the Heroic Brawliseum, this Tavern Brawl requires an entry fee of either 1,000 gold or Runestones.

The Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl is here. This Tavern Brawl made its debut back in 2016. This time, the run kicks off on Aug. 21 and lasts for seven days total. Read on for details on how the Heroic Brawliseum works plus some Heroic Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes.

Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via esports.gg)
Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via esports.gg)

Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl guide

Also known as the Heroic Brawliseum, the Heroic Tavern Brawl requires you to create your own deck before jumping into the fray. In this iteration of the Heroic Tavern Brawl, you must build a Wild deck and do your best to accumulate 12 wins. Your run ends after three losses.

Hearthstone Heroic Brawliseum rules (Image via esports.gg)
Hearthstone Heroic Brawliseum rules (Image via esports.gg)

Claiming more victories in Hearthstone's Heroic Brawliseum means receiving more in-game rewards such as card packs, dust, and gold. Reaching 10 or more wins also means golden legendary cards, according to Blizzard. Below is the breakdown of the Heroic Brawliseum rewards.

Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl rewards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Heroic Tavern Brawl rewards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

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Hearthstone Heroic Brawliseum cost

As noted, in order to enter the Heroic Tavern Brawl, you must provide an entry fee of either 1,000 gold or 1,000 Runestones. While gold can be earned for free by playing the game and progressing through the current Rewards Track, Runestones can be bought through the in-game store.

How to get gold in Hearthstone (Image via esports.gg)
How to get gold in Hearthstone (Image via esports.gg)

The equivalent of 1,000 Runestones is $9.99 USD. Below is a table indicating the cost of Runestones and your purchase options.

Cost (USD)
500 Runestone$4.99
1,000 Runestone$9.99
1,500 Runestone$14.99
2,000 Runestone$19.99
5,000 Runestone$49.99
8,000 Runestone$79.99
Runestones cost in Hearthstone (Image via esports.gg)
Runestones cost in Hearthstone (Image via esports.gg)

Heroic Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes

  • Shadow Priest (69.2% win rate): AAEBAa0GApG8Arv3Aw6hBJEP6bADurYD184Do/cDrfcD3aQFhY4GyKEGxKgG/KgG17oG1cEGAAA=
  • Big Shaman (68.9% win rate): AAEBAaoIBjPw1APErATptgS/zgT2owYM7wGUA5EOzg/2vQKf/QKPlAPW9QP08gXqmAakpwbrqQYAAA==
  • Pirate Demon Hunter (65.7% win rate): AAEBAea5AwSRvALHpAbEuAb8wAYNoL0C6bAD8skDhI0Eq+IE5OQF/KgG17oG1sAG2MAG9sAG1cEGrcUGAAED87MGx6QG9rMGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA=
  • Pirate Rogue (63.1% win rate): AAEBAaIHBJG8AsygBdejBerEBg2MAu0C1AX1uwLpsAOqywPz3QOKyQS/9wXungb8pQatpwb8qAYAAA==
  • Gnoll Miracle Rogue (62.4% win rate): AAEBAaIHBP3BAvyjA+WwBMygBQ2GCYK0AvW7AqrLA+fdA96kBPulBLezBPTdBMGhBd/DBb/3BdC4BgAA
  • XL Highlander Paladin (61.3% win rate): AAEBAZ8FKIwB1RPeFKYVwxbfxAKgzgKO0wLA/QLZ/gLPhgPOhwP8owOHrQOT0AOD3gP53gPJ6wPb7gPQ9wPgiwTlsASwsgS42QTA4gSX7wTipAX9xAXm5AX26AWN/gWugwaZjgacjga0oQadogbHpAavqAaiswa6wQYAAAEG1RP9xAXPhgP9xAWiswb9xAX0swbHpAb3swbHpAbo3gbHpAYAAA==
  • Garrote Rogue (60.9% win rate): AAEBAaIHBIYJlboCkbwCzKAFDe0C9bsC6bADqssD890DjvQDiskE16MFv/cF7p4G/KUGracG/KgGAAA=

Since you're either using gold or real money in order to compete in the Heroic Tavern Brawl, it's a good idea to enter the fray with a powerful deck. Above are some decks with high win rates based on data from HSGuru on Aug. 21.

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates.