Here’s how to claim victory in this adorable Tavern Brawl!
This week's Tavern Brawl is Everybunny Get in Here! The title of it is a reference to the Grim Patron minion's voice line. Read on for our Everybunny Get in Here Tavern Brawl guide where we break down how this brawl works plus list the cards you may encounter while aiming for the free Standard card pack.

Hearthstone Everybunny Get in Here Tavern Brawl
When you jump into the Everybunny Get in Here Tavern Brawl, a Noblegarden Egg with Stealth always gets summoned at the start of your turn. You can then use the Shifting Dye spells in your hand to buff a Noblegarden Egg.

Everybunny Get in Here Tavern Brawl guide
Once a Noblegarden Egg hatches into a cute minion on your next turn, all of the Shifting Dye spells used on it apply. If you didn't use any Shifting Dye spells on a Noblegarden Egg, then it simply hatches into a 1/3 Bunny. The Bunny is also a Beast minion.

However, not all is lost if you get a Bunny minion. For example, the Carrot spell gives the minions on your side of the board +1/+1 buffs. Meanwhile, the Bunny minions receives a +2/+2 buff.

You can even stack the Shifting Dye spells for a super buffed minion. However, note that when a Noblegarden Egg hatches, it cannot attack right away. The exception is if it has the Rush keyword that can affect enemy minions.

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Hearthstone Shifting Dye spells and more
- Red Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants +2/+2.
- Blue Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Windfury.
- Green Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Poisonous.
- Purple Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Lifesteal.
- Silver Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Stealth.
- Orange Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Rush.
- Pink Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Taunt.
- Gold Shifting Dye: 1 mana. Dye an Egg. When it hatches, it grants Divine Shield.
- Noblegarden Egg: 2 mana 0/2. Stealth. At the start of your turn, hatch this into something cute.
- Noblegarden Spoon: 3 mana. Hatch your Noblegarden Eggs!
- Noblegarden Goblin: 3 mana 5/2 minion.
- Carrots: 2 mana. Give friendly minions +1/+1 or +2/+2 if it's a Bunny.
- Bunny: 1 mana 1/3 Beast.
- Hawkstrider Hen: 6 mana 3/7 Beast. Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Noblegarden Egg.

Above is a list of all of the different Shifting Dye spells. In addition to these spells, other cards of interest include the Noblegarden Goblin, Hawkstrider Hen, and Noblegarden Spoon.

As for which class to pick for the Everybunny Get in Here Tavern Brawl, Warlock is a solid choice because you can use the Life Tap hero power to get some more Shifting Dye spells for your eggs. However, feel free to test out other classes. This Tavern Brawl doesn't require you to build your own deck, so you can simply jump into the fray and duke it out against others for free!
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