Here’s how to achieve victory in the Standard version of this Tavern Brawl.
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is Clockwork Card Dealer. As always, your first weekly victory in a Tavern Brawl results in a free Standard card pack. Read on for some Hearthstone Clockwork Card Dealer Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes from the game's very own community!

Clockwork Card Dealer Tavern Brawl deck codes
- I-have-a-fork's Blackrock 'n' Roll Warrior: AAECAaiaBhSoigSqigSLoAS2xAXwzQXG8wWl9gWX+wWGlAbBlAaplQb3lwacngaFoAbKuAa6wQb6yQaL4gbo5gbr5gYF1sYF4+QFjb8G+ckGiuIGAAA=
- Ben Hearthstone's Shaman: AAECAdKqBgaAoASLzAXAjwaplQat4QbM4QYMjJ8E46AE3/4FsI0Gio8Gvo8G7JUG9ZsGkp4G054GzKIG7eYGAAA=
- Houseleft's Big Spell Mage: AAECAf6QBQqyigS4igTv0wTg9QWplQbHpAa6wQaL4gb14gbp5gYK3qAExMcFkIMGy58GtqcGh6gGxboG78kGysoG7uYGAAED9LMGx6QG97MGx6QG7t4Gx6QGAAA=
Here are some Clockwork Card Dealer deck codes shared by the Hearthstone community. I-have-a-fork's Warrior deck guarantees the Blackrock 'n' Roll card on your forth turn thanks to Steam Guardian. The player added that since Carnivorous Cubicle doesn't maintain the buff, it can be replaced with another card.
Meanwhile, Ben Hearthstone's Shaman deck is all about drawing Turbulus and Skarr, the Catastrophe on curve. As for Houseleft's Big Spell Mage deck, the Scarab Keychain minion deck guarantees a Coin from Greedy Partner. Meanwhile, Watercolor Artist draws the Tsunami spell. Houseleft added that you can also play the 2-cost from Scarab Keychain and use your hero power.

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Hearthstone Clockwork Card Dealer Tavern Brawl decks
We tried a variation of I-have-a-fork's Blackrock 'n' Roll Warrior — swapping in some cards since we didn’t have all of them in our collection. The Steam Guardian minion on turn 3 reduced the cost of the Blackrock 'n' Roll spell in our hand by 1 mana.

Since the cost of Blackrock 'n' Roll got reduced to 4 mana, we played it on turn 4. The Blackrock 'n' Roll card then gave all of the minions in our deck attack and health stats equal to their cost.

From that point on, we controlled the board and continued to get through our opponent's Taunt minions. Khaz'goroth from the TITANS expansion, in particular, was a great help due to its flexibility. Eventually, we went face for lethal.

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