Here’s the strategy on how to claim victory in this Tavern Brawl.

This week’s Tavern Brawl is the Battle of Tol Barad! Claiming your first weekly victory in this game mode results in a free Standard card pack. Read on for tips plus some winning Battle of Tol Barad Tavern Brawl deck codes.

Win this weekly Tavern Brawl to get a free Standard card pack (Image via
Win this weekly Tavern Brawl to get a free Standard card pack (Image via

Battle of Tol Barad Tavern Brawl deck codes

Battle of Tol Barad chalkboard (Image via
Battle of Tol Barad chalkboard (Image via

Hearthstone Battle of Tol Barad Tavern Brawl decks

In our run, we played a variation of Ahirun's Murloc Shaman deck. We replaced a few cards since we didn’t have all of them in our collection. The Mulock synergy, the low cost of minions, and mana curve all worked in our favor. After playing Murloc Tidecaller on Turn 1, we sent out Murloc Tidehunter on Turn 2. When Turn 3 came around, we strengthened our side of the board thanks to Coldlight Seer.

Battle of Tol Barad screenshot (Image via
Battle of Tol Barad screenshot (Image via

Murloc cards

  • Murloc Tidecaller (1 mana 1/2): Whenever you summon a Murloc, gain +1 attack.
  • Murloc Tidehunter (2 mana 2/1): Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Murloc Scout.
  • Coldlight Seer (3 mana 2/3): Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +2 health.
We also gave our opponent the Cursed! spell to slow them down in the early game (Image via
We also gave our opponent the Cursed! spell to slow them down in the early game (Image via

Meanwhile, our opponent played what looked like a Handbuff Paladin deck. They put Grimestreet Outfitter on the board to give every minion in their hand a +1/+1 buff. In response, we focused a little bit on controlling the board with the help of some Murloc synergy. We also went face to deal some damage.

South Coast Chieftain in Hearthstone (Image via
South Coast Chieftain in Hearthstone (Image via

Eventually, we made use of a free spell to transform our opponent's buffed Taunt minion. Then, we went face for lethal.

Going face for exact lethal (Image via
Going face for exact lethal (Image via

That's all for now. Stick around on for more Hearthstone news, guides, and updates!