Here are some winning decks and deck codes!
This week's Tavern Brawl is Battle of the Bans! You can get a free card pack after you claim your first weekly victory in this game mode. Therefore, read on for our Hearthstone Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl guide and some current deck codes.
Hearthstone Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl
The Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl requires you to build a deck using only four cards. After the mulligan phase, your opponent will ban one of them and vice versa! Then, the game will give you a deck that's full of the remaining cards.
In terms of building a deck, keep the Hearthstone card synergies in mind. For example, if one of your cards get banned, then is the rest of your deck viable? You can include two different cards that do similar things to make sure that your combinations and synergies always work as well.
The screenshots above and below feature Ben Hearthstone's Discard Warlock deck. This deck requires Soulfire, The Soularium, Silverware Golem, and Soul Barrage. Whenever you discard a card using Soulfire or Soularium, for example, it's possible to summon Silverware Golem for free. You can also deal damage to your foes using Soul Barrage whenever you play or discard it.
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Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl decks
- Ben Hearthstone's Discard Warlock: AAEBAebJBgTOB4+CA6uSBfGhBgAAAA==
- Wishkax's Pogo-Hopper Rogue: AAEBAYO6AgT1uwLX+gKqywPBgwUAAAA=
- Deep_Jackfruit7853's Demon Hunter: AAEBAea5AwTgvAODnwTSnwSzoAQAAAA=
Other Hearthstone Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl decks that we've tested out and won with include Rogue and Demon Hunter ones. The Rogue deck hinges on playing lots of Pogo-Hopper minions so you can continuously get buffed Pogo-Hoppers. Wishkax's version contains Pogo-Hopper itself, Counterfeit Coin, Pogo-Hopper, and Secret Passage.
Meanwhile, the Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl deck for Demon Hunter deck relies on damage from weapons. Deep_Jackfruit7853's version includes Battlefiend, Crimson Sigil Runner, Twin Slice, and Aldrachi Warblades.
Make sure to take note of your opponent's cards as well. Our opponent in the screenshot above played a Plague Death Knight against our deck, so we opted to play it safe and not use Crimson Sigil Runner's Outcast mechanic to draw lots of cards.
That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates!