Hearthstone A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl guide

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s how to win this cooperative Tavern Brawl and earn a Standard card pack!

This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is A New Year Bash! Read on for our A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl guide and some tips on how to claim victory.

A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl information (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl information (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl

A New Year Bash is a cooperative Tavern Brawl, which means you and your "opponent" must work together to defeat minions on the board. When the game begins, you're either a Rogue or Druid. The goal is to use your hero power and reach 25 decorations without the both of you dying. Then, you and your teammate must take down a 5/86 minion.

How to decorate the Tavern (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
How to decorate the Tavern (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

When turn two arrives, Party Crasher minions enter the board. These minions always go face. Therefore, strategize how your and your teammate can get rid of the Party Crashers. For example, if you're playing as the Rogue, a card like King Mukla can give your teammate buffs to clear out Party Crashers. If you're playing as the Druid, then Terrorguard Escapee adds minions to your teammate's side of the board.

The Party Crasher minion in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Party Crasher minion in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Make sure that you're both good in terms of health total as well. If you're Rogue, then you can use the Plagiarize secret to receive copies of the spells that your teammate played on their turn. You can then use a Druid spell like Healing Touch to heal yourself or your teammate. There's also the possibility of using Solar Eclipse alongside Healing Touch to restore more health.

Hearthstone A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl strategy (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl strategy (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl guide

Another way to heal is by using Shadowstep on Circus Medic. However, make sure it's not in its corrupted state if healing is the intent. If your teammate seems to have not read the instructions and is trying to defeat you, then try healing them to help them get the message that it's a cooperative Tavern Brawl.

Circus Medic in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Circus Medic in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Once the Tavern reaches 25 decorations, the 5/85 Piñata Golem appears on the board. Make sure that before the Tavern hits 25 decorations, there are no more than six minions on the board. Otherwise, the Piñata Golem will destroy all of them.

The Piñata Golem appears in the second phase of the A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Piñata Golem appears in the second phase of the A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Keep working together to create some card synergy. For example, if the Rogue's Ogremancer is on the board, then it summons a 2/2 minion with Taunt whenever the Druid casts a spell. Another example of good synergy is playing Frostwolf Warlord when there are enough minions on the board to grant it a worthwhile buff.

Work with your teammate to achieve victory (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Work with your teammate to achieve victory (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

You can also use your hero power to deal a bit of damage to the Piñata Golem each turn. Make sure to continue staying on top of health totals as well. This is because the minion can use the Something in the Punch spell starting on its second turn. This deals two damage to everything that's not a Party Crasher.

Defeat the Piñata Golem to win the Tavern Brawl (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Defeat the Piñata Golem to win the Tavern Brawl (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Once the Piñata Golem minion is defeated, you and your teammate both win the A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl! Claiming your first Hearthstone Tavern Brawl victory of the week results in a free Standard card pack.

Hearthstone A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone A New Year Bash Tavern Brawl screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!