Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl decks

A free pack is waiting for you in this Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, check out the article for deck codes.

Hearthstone's Half and Half Tavern Brawl is here, and in this article, we will give you 100% of what you need to know to get that free pack, including some decks to try. Think twice about complaining about your opponent's deck, half of it belongs to you!

"Create a deck of 15 cards. At the start of the game, we'll complete your deck with a copy of your opponent's!"

Hearthstone Tavern Brawl deck-building advice

The Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl makes its fourth appearance and while metas evolve, some deck ideas continue to be effective. One of the strategies in this Brawl is to create decks containing cards that are useful within your class.

Furthermore, this Tavern Brawl helps you force your opponent's deck to include the cards you want. Yes, I'm looking at you Nozdormu the Eternal! Just put a copy on your deck and enjoy 15-second turns 100% guaranteed.

Speedrun the Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl with Nozdormu in your Deck - Image via Blizzard
Speedrun the Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl with Nozdormu in your Deck - Image via Blizzard

Tavern Brawl influencer, Ben Hearthstone, posted this weapon Rogue deck that contains many buffs but, curiously, no weapons. Just equip your Hero Power dagger and laugh at your opponent's deck pathetic cards.

This idea works with any class-specific archetypes. The new Death Knight mechanic "Corpse" will only function to your advantage. Half the deck your opponent will have won't function as efficiently as yours, that's the secret to success in this Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl.

Remember that this Tavern Brawl allows Wild Cards, so you can get creative.

Deck codes

The following Hearthstone decks are some examples of what can work in Half and Half Tavern Brawl.

Ben Hearthstone "Weapon" Rogue:

Ben's Weapon Rogue
Ben's Weapon Rogue
Totem Shaman Tavern Brawl deck
Totem Shaman Tavern Brawl deck

Rane's Totem Shaman:

Both these decks abuse this Tavern Brawl rules to create an uneven field. Use your Hero Power to make the most out of your cards while your opponent just sits and looks.

Following the same logic, Hero Power Mage can be a fine deck choice in this Tavern Brawl. I included some wild cards for more powerful payoffs, but I'm sure standard variants can make their way to that free pack. Honnors Hammer's Death Knight deck takes advantage of the Corpse mechanic, something your opponents won't (unless they are also playing DK).

Ping Mage: AAEBAc2xAgOohwPY7AOFpAUGzYkDiLYDm80D+84D0+wD1uwDAA==

Ping Mage Half and Half deck
Ping Mage Half and Half deck
Honors Hammer Corpse DK deck
Honors Hammer Corpse DK deck

Honors Hammer Corpse Death Knight: AAECAYjaBQOQ5AS+9wSYgQUGjeQEkeQE1fEE3YIFrqEFz6UFAA==

A final note for all you RNG lovers, never forget Tess Greymane.

I hope you enjoy this Half and Half Hearthstone Tavern Brawl and that you find these decks useful. Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the Tavern.