Get your free weekly Hearthstone pack with A Less Friendly Game of Chess Tavern Brawl, check out the article for deck codes.
The weekly Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is here, and it is one that we have known for some time: A Less Friendly Game of Chess. This Tavern Brawl uses Chess pieces with end-of-turn effects what makes positioning the skill to master. With no further adue, let’s go over the basics of this Less Friendly Game of Chess and share some Hearthstone decks that would do well in this Tavern Brawl.
“Things have gotten a little underhanded at Medivh’s Magical Chessboard. Bring 6 unique cards and hide them under the table, they could swing the match in your favor.”

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Hearthstone Tavern Brawl Decks
This is the six time this Tavern Brawl makes an appearance, and by now, many have cracked the most efficient way of taking the win and getting a Standard Pack. The way this special event works is that players choose a class and 6 unique cards to bring into battle. Then, when the game starts, those are mixed with different Hearthstone-adapted Chess pieces that are a bit less Friendly than you would like.
Some good decks players have been using in previous editions of this Hearthstone Tavern Brawls involve either poisonous or consistent OTK combos. Here are some decks you can try to get the weekly pack.
Ben's Poison Rogue code: AAEBAd2qBgaU0ALPrAPD4QP2nwSi1ATfwwUAAAA=

The first deck relies on the Poisonous effects to clear opponents' minions. In the Less Friendly Game of Chess Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, positioning is one of the skills tested. So, if you are able to hit two opponent pieces with your poisonous one, it’s a win.
Then we have the Combo OTK approach using the old Inner Fire combo, taking advantage of the high health pieces have.

Rane's Combo Priest code: AAEBAf6QBAb4AuUEpQmtigSJowS8pQYAAAA=
Hope you enjoy this Less Friendly Game of Chess Hearthstone Tavern Brawl and that you find the decks useful.
Stay tuned to for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the Tavern.