Here’s how to unlock these achievements and more!
Genshin Impact brought us a whole new region to explore and new characters to collect. But have you already completed all of the latest achievements? If you haven't, then here's a guide to easy achievements in the Natlan region.
Watching Natlan's talents
Natlan is full of energy, colors, and mountains. If you watch some of Natlan's talents, you will gain the "Dance! Dance! Dance!" achievement worth 5 Primogems. You can find the dancers near the teleport waypoint of the Children of Echoes tribe.

In addition to dancing, Natlan also has great musicians. Get to know them in Mualani's People of the Springs tribe. For both achievements, you just have to stay put and watch the shows.

Nightsoul's Blessing
Natlan's Nightsoul's Blessing state is an exclusive characteristic of Natlan's playable characters in which they increase their mobility and combat power when they use an ability, especially their element skill. To get the "Imperishable Night" achievement, worth 5 Primogems, just use the elemental skill of Kachina or Mualani and stay in that state for about 18 seconds. As you can see in the image below, the character will appear brighter in the game.

Riding the Spiritways
The Spiritways are new ways of transportation in Natlan available in Genshin Impact 5.0. To ride them, you can either use Mualani after winning your 50/50 or use a Koholasaurus. During a world quest or while you're simply exploring, you'll gain an achievement called "High-Speed Lifting" when you ride a Spiritway for the first time in the game. You can find one close to the Statue of the Seven in Ameyalco Waters.

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Lava is dangerous!
Everyone knows that Natlan's lava is a dangerous place to swim! If your character passes away in lava, you will gain the "Hot! HOT!" achievement worth 5 Primogems. If you "accidentally" murder a Saurian friend in the lava or the water when you are in its body (unless you're a Koholasaurus), you'll also receive an achievement called "Farewell, Friend" achievement. This is worth 5 Primogems as well.

Fighting bosses
When you fight the Kongamato boss or the "Mountain King," you will have to use pyro attacks or skills on the Flamegranates to damage the boss. This action will be enough to gain the "Et tu, Dinobrute?" achievement worth 5 Primogems.

Chilling with the rhinos
If you're exploring the Genshin Impact's new region, you probably have come across the giant Rhinos. If you stay under one for a few seconds, you'll gain the "Please Stay Your H... Feet" achievement that's worth 5 Primogems. You can find these guys around the Natlan region, but for an easy spot, you can teleport to the southeast side of the Children of Echoes tribe and go down the mountain.

The Natlan region offers plenty of activities and fun during exploration. The latest version of Genshin Impact also brought us a lot of world quests to complete, including a series of 10 sub-quests called In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons. You can find all of these quest guides on