Looking to show off your creative side? Let’s see if you can.
Looking to skip the lengthy resource collecting in Enshrouded? Then, playing a creative mode would be the best course of action.
The best part of survival-resource games like Enshrouded is relatively subjective. You can spend hours collecting items and hating every minute of it. When you’ve got everything at your fingertips, it can change the whole vibe in an instant. But will it appeal to those types of creative gamers?
Does Enshrouded have a creative mode?
No, Enshrouded doesn’t have a creative mode. Unfortunately for gamers looking to spend their hours like they do in Minecraft, the only way involves digging and collecting every resource yourself.
That makes Enshrouded a more stressful endeavor. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a possibility of it being introduced in the future. However, in its current form, you’ll have to stick to the classic survival experience that Enshrouded offers.
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Is there ever going to be a similar mode?
While developers have remained relatively silent regarding creative mode in Enshrouded, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Mods might be your only hope of a creative mode in the near future. Keen Games’ hasn’t ruled out the possibility of mods for Enshrouded. According to the Enshrouded FAQ page, Keen Games’ acknowledged the difference a mod can make to a game. However, developers weren’t able to “make promises that the game will be moddable.” But it seems they’d “love to implement (mods) in the future.” So, they’re saying there’s a chance.
With these mods, there is bound to be a crafty gamer willing to make a creative mode mod for Enshrouded. This might not be the perfect mod, but it should be enough to allow gamers to show off the possible creativity in Enshrouded. We’ll just have to wait until that hero arrives.
Keep an eye on esports.gg for more Enshrouded news and guides.