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How to fix Steam error 16

This quick guide will fix the Steam error 16 code in no time.

Have you been encountering the Steam error 16 code recently? Have no fear, this quick guide will help you fix one of the many ways the error can occur. Follow these simple tips and you will be back in action soon!

What is Steam error 16 and how can I fix it?

Steam error 16 in its simplest form is a time-out error that indicates the application is not working or that parts of Steam are not running correctly. There are many reasons why Steam error 16 could be popping up on your system. Here are some examples of when the error message can appear:

  • Poor internet connection
  • Background applications interfering with Steam
  • Outdated computer hardware
  • Low memory

Now that you have an idea of what could be causing you to have this error message pop up. Here are a couple of solutions you can try to ensure the error is gone for good.

Poor internet connection

  1. Close all of your applications - if it makes it easier you can completely restart your system
  2. Turn off your Router and Modem completely from the power supply
  3. Wait 30 seconds before turning it back on
  4. Plug in your ethernet cable if you have one and load Steam

Clear Steam cache

One of the easiest solutions for most problems that occur in Steam is to clear the download cache. Clearing an application's cache is one of the best solutions for a loading or formatting problem that is occurring in the background, this could be one of the reasons the Steam error 16 code is appearing.

  1. Open up Steam
  2. Click on the Steam icon in the top left corner and select settings from the drop-down menu
  3. Once you have accessed settings, head on over to the downloads tab
  4. Select Clear Download Cache
  5. Click Ok

Run disk clean up

Running a disk cleanup may prevent you from having the Steam error 16 timeouts appear. With a disk cleanup, you are able to delete temporary internet files which could be the reason you are getting timed out from Steam.

  1. Press the Windows button on your keyboard
  2. Type 'disk clean up' into the search bar
  3. Select the storage device you save everything from Steam onto
  4. Make sure temporary internet files are checked
  5. Click Ok then Delete Files

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