GIRLS’ FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUM has introduced 9 waifu characters that expected to be available during the official global launch.

GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUM, an upcoming 3D role-playing strategy game by MICA Team, has officially announced the first wave of their characters (referred to as Tactical Doll or T-Doll). Aside from Groza, the key character of the game, they have introduced eight other characters from Groza's Team, Frostfall Squad, as well as Zucchero Café — with more to follow soon.

The characters were announced through Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium's official X (Twitter) account, with each post dedicated to introducing the character. However, aside from the character's key visual, which faction and classes they belong to, not much information was given at the moment.

Here's the overview of all Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium characters:

groza girls frontline 2 character
nemesis girls frontline 2
krolik girls frontline 2
vepley girls frontline 2 character
colphne girls frontline 2 character
sharky girls frontline 2
tololo girls frontline 2
qiongjiu girls frontline 2
cheeta frontline 2
All 9 characters in Girls Frontline 2: Exilium as of October 2024
  • Groza's Team: Groza, Nemesis, Krolik, Vepley, Colphne
  • Frostfall Squad: Tololo, Qiongjiu, Cheeta
  • Zucchero Cafe: Sharksy

Groza's Team - Characters

Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium characters — Groza, Nemesis, Krolik (Image via GFL2EXILIUM_EN)
Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium characters — Groza, Nemesis, Krolik (Image via GFL2EXILIUM_EN)


["Unwavering trust forges the path to total victory."]

Bulwark Doll Groza Keywords:

  • Reliable Leader: The leader of Groza's team, who is mature, calm, clear-headed, and professionally skilled.
  • Take a Bite of Groza's Flavor Roulette!: Groza's cooking is a perfect combination of color, flavor, taste, and looks, as long as Groza isn't experimenting with new ideas...
  • Pulled an All-nighter Strategizing for a Battle???: Fake news! Groza was actually checking out cooking tips, exploring new products, and planning for the holidays.
  • Storage Black Hole: You'll be amazed by how much stuff she can cram into her storage bins!


["Tempest awakens suddenly... howling and wailing... silence surges forth..."]

Sentinel Doll Nemesis Keywords:

  • Unique linguistic style... indeed...: "...Glimmering specks of dust... cascading upon desolate plains..." Nemesis' words are indeed hard to comprehend...
  • Divination Accuracy: 100% or 0%?: Although Nemesis' analyses of situations and subsequent decisions are often unreliable, her fortune-telling results, as translated by Krolik, always prove accurate.
  • A Hardcore Occult Geek: Nemesis is never seen without her divination tool, the Prism, and enjoys gathering materials related to mysticism. Wherever the mysteries of the unknown are whispered, there's Nemesis.
  • The Powerful Never Explain: Despite not being understood, Nemesis never explains the reasons behind her passion for unconventional clothing and linguistic style. Likewise, she never elucidates her fortune-telling philosophy.


["Wha—?! These, these aren't bunny ears! ...Tck, why'd you ask? Done with your work or what?!"]

Vanguard Doll Krolik Keywords:

  • Melee combat is the best!: "Tch- what's the point of taking cheap shots from behind? The blade is the best weapon, don't you get it?"
  • "Any idea where to find those animal ear things?": Despite speaking out against them, Krolik collects bunny ear accessories from all over.
  • Nemesis' Personal Interpreter: No one knows why Krolik is the only one who can understand Nemesis' words, including Krolik herself...
  • Hates Procrastination: When given a task, Krolik is eager to complete it instantly without delay.


["Spreading happiness to everyone is Vepley's job☆"]

Vanguard Doll Vepley Keywords:

  • Happy-go-lucky and Energetic Idol: Simple and straightforward, enthusiastic and lively, Vepley treats all venues as performance stages.
  • Performance is Combat☆: Vepley's motto. However, Vepley often interprets Groza's battle plans as performance schedules, leading to wry reactions from others due to her attempts to perform in front of the enemy during combat.
  • Full Emotional Signal: Due to the demands of performing, Vepley has a strong sense of empathy, keenly perceiving changes in the surrounding emotional climate, although she struggles to distinguish between positive and negative emotions. She frequently initiates conversations with the Commander by monitoring the emotional signal levels.
  • "Adorable" Contrast: Being the most powerful member of Groza's Team, Vepley often struggles with the disparity between her formidable strength as a Tactical Doll, and her appearance designed for performance purposes. This leads her to deliberately conceal her true power.


["No worries! No matter how baaaad the injury is, Colphne can fix everyone right up! Buuut, teehee, there's just ooone tiny condition. You gotta be alive first, okay?"]

Support Doll Colphne Keywords:

  • Peacekeeper of the Team: Capable of employing various tactics to resolve conflicts within Groza's Team, Colphne is an indispensable assistant for Groza who struggles with interpersonal relationships.
  • A Friendly and Cute Little Doll?: Don't be deceived by Colphne's harmless appearance! On the battlefield, Colphne pulls out her gun instantly, eliminating enemies calmly and swiftly with a smile.
  • Nothing escapes Colphne's eyes.: Colphne carefully observes the words and actions of humans and other Dolls with a keen vigilance toward the outside world.
  • "Sooo~ What does dessert taste like, I wonder?": Colphne likes to try different desserts, but she is unable to discern any flavors without a taste module.

Frostfall Squad - Characters

Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium characters — Tololo, Qiongjiu, Cheeta (Image via GFL2EXILIUM_EN)
Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium characters — Tololo, Qiongjiu, Cheeta (Image via GFL2EXILIUM_EN)


Tololo from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium
Tololo from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium

["Stars and hearts are alike—both distant, both beautiful. When you seek answers from the stars, you're truly seeking answers within yourself."]

Sentinel Doll Tololo Keywords:

  • Quiet and Poetic Doll: Calm and rational, soft-spoken and reserved. Tololo has a strong sense of boundaries but is also an excellent listener.
  • Striving Towards the Sea of Stars: As an astronomy and science fiction enthusiast, Tololo loves photographing the night sky and dreams of publishing a collection of her astrophotography. She devotes most of her personal time to indulging in her passions.
  • "Living in Her Own World": This is how Tololo's teammates once described her. She enjoys reading, watching movies, stargazing, and contemplating. Sometimes, she becomes so engrossed in her thoughts that she loses touch with reality, needing others to call her several times to get her attention.
  • "Commander, would you care for a sip of malt beer?": Tololo really loves beer. The bottle she carries around is definitely not filled with plain water!


Qiongqiu from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium
Qiongqiu from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium

["Mission reports should be archived by number, and clothing should be sorted by color and style. Isn't that how everyone does it?"]

Sentinel Doll Qiongjiu Keywords:

  • "Discipline is the foundation of success.": As the strict yet principled leader of Frostfall Squad, Qiongjiu is diligent, respectful towards others, and upholds a clear balance between reward and punishment.
  • "Sculpting is an expression of self-discipline.": Qiongjiu loves Chinese culture, especially jade, and has even taught herself jade carving.
  • "Let me help straighten everyone's clothes.": Meticulous and attentive to detail, Qiongjiu requires her subordinates to clean and maintain their gear and Doll frames after every mission, ensuring that Frostfall Squad always presents a flawless appearance.
  • Ritualistic? A Stickler for Planning?: Qiongjiu is methodical in her approach, always devising plans before embarking on any task. For significant anniversaries, she prepares her well wishes in advance, and sends them to her colleagues precisely at midnight.


Cheeta from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium
Cheeta from Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium

["Hey, do me a solid and keep your mouth shut about that drone I blasted during our last mission, okay? If Caretaker's Caretaker finds out, she'll go into lecture mode again!"]

Support Doll Cheeta Keywords:

  • "Self-Proclaimed" Genius: With unparalleled confidence, Cheets believes herself to be a true "genius", excelling in combat, daily tasks, and rapidly learning new things.
  • Super Troublemaker: Cheeta once set an ear-piercing alarm for the engine that nearly blew up the Elmo... If one were to list all the damage caused by her little "inventions", it would take more than three days and nights to catalog it all.
  • Cheeta's "Kindness": Cheeta enjoys offering help in her own peculiar way, often resulting in harmless yet occasionally disruptive outcomes. For instance, she once added a flying function to Tololo's alarm clock...
  • The Disaster-Bringing Lucky Star: Despite Cheeta's constant desire to replace her body, she rarely sustains more than 20% damage, even during perilous missions that nearly wipe out her team.

Zucchero Café 


["Super Idol Sharkry is working hard, to protect everyone's smiles~♥︎"]

Sentinel Doll Sharkry Keywords:

  • Super Popular Waitress: Hehe, with my signature coffee, Sharky's popularity has totally skyrocketed! Yay~!
  • ♥︎No Mercy!♥︎: A cute Doll exuding a mischievous "little devil energy. Sharkry loves using her irresistible charm to make unreasonable demands.
  • Always Armed with Luxe Cosmetics: No one quite knows where Sharkry stashes her endless supply of beauty products, but she always has them ready —  frequently helping the girls at Zucchero Café with their makeup and hairstyling needs.
  • "I don't care about Vepley~": Sharkry's feelings toward Vepley are a tangled mix of jealousy, gratitude, confusion, and trust. These contradictory emotions have sparked a deep fascination and a relentless drive to compete with Vepley on every level.

GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUM is currently open for pre-registration, with the release date listed as "Coming Soon" with various sources reporting it to be launched later this year. Despite the game's controversy, fans around the globe show their love for the game through social media and are excited to join the official global launch.

Stay tuned at for further news regarding the Girls' Frontline 2.