Every time you need to know about building a powerful Tighnari including which weapons, artifacts, and ascension materials to use.
Tighnari is the first Dendro five-star character and will be available through the standard banner starting in version 3.1. He is a bow user but is considered to be a DPS or sub-DPS thanks to his powerful attacks. Many players liken his playstyle to that of Ganyu crossed with Yoimiya, and he can quickly deal heavy amounts of damage to opponents. In order to get the most out of Tighnari, though, you need to know how to build him. In addition, you will need to gather his materials to max out his level and raise his talents to their cap.
Best Weapons

Like most five-stars, Tighnari's banner is accompanied by a weapon banner that holds his signature bow. The signature weapon of each five-star character will always be fine-tuned to work better with them than any other weapon available in the game. If you are like most players though, you may not have the cash to pull both Tighnari in his weapon, so below, we go over Hunter's Path and a four-star alternative that works better for low cost players.
Here are the best bows to use with Tighnari in Genshin Impact:
- Hunter's Path: This bow focuses on increasing crit rate. It's special ability raises gives Tighnari a 12 percent elemental damage bonus when he hits an opponent with a charged attack. This bonus will increase by 160 percent of Tighnari's elemental mastery. The bonus lasts for twelve hits or ten seconds before debuffing.
- The Viridescent Hunt: This is another bow that focuses on crit rate. In addition, Tighnari's normal and aimed attacks have a 50 percent chance of causing a cyclone. The cyclone pulls in enemies and deals 40 percent of Tignari's attack damage for four seconds.
You can get The Viridescent Hunt by buying the Battle Pass and reaching level 30. This only costs $9.99 and is well worth it if you play regularly as you get the bow and a ton of rewards. If you want to go for a bow, you already have, choose one that helps with crit rate.
If you can find another bow that works well with charge shots, you may also find that it's useful in your Tighnari build. Remember that Genshin Impact is a constantly changing game, and while the Hunter's Path will always be best for Tighnari, there will be more substitutes that you can use in the future.
Best Artifact
Choosing an artifact set that works with Tighnari is also rather simple. The Deepwood Memories set was launched alongside him and is hands down the best artifact set you can place on him. This set focuses on making Tighnari's Dendro attacks hit a bit harder.
Here is the best artifact set to use with Tighnari:
- Deepwood Memories: Tighnari gains a 15 percent Dendro damage increase. After Tighnari's elemental skill or burst strikes an enemy, their Dendro resistance falls by 30 percent for eight seconds.
You can get the Deepwood Memories artifact set from the Spire of Solitary Enlightenment in Sumeru. Getting the artifacts only uses resin, so you will be able to get a five-star set without having to spend a single dime.
Team Composition
As stated above, Tighnari fits into amain DPS or a sub-DPS slot on most teams. This means that he needs characters on his team who can apply elements that easily react with Dendro. The elements you will want to work with are Pyro, Hydro, and Electro.
Some characters he’s being paired with are:
- Raiden Shogun
- Yae Miko
- Bennett
- Collei
- Fischl
- Kokomi
- Mona
You can also make use of characters like Zhongli if you want a shield to protect Tighnari in tough fights. As more characters debut during 3.0, there will likely be a bigger selection of characters who can easily work with Tighnari. Keep in mind that due to being a bow-user, he fights at a distance so Pyro support attacks that are made for close-range damage may not be your best bet.
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Farming List

To get Tighnari to level 90, you are going to do a lot of farming through Sumeru. While none of his materials are particularly difficult to get, it still might take you a few days to get him fully ascended. In addition, to the items below you will also need to gather the Dendro stone, Nagadus Emerald.
Here is the list of specialty items that you need to ascend Tighnari to level 90.
- 168x Lunar Lotus
- 18x Fungai Spores
- 30x Luminescent Pollen
- 36x Crystalline Cyst Dust
- 46x Majestic Hooked Beaks
Lunar Lotus can be found in the river system around Chatrakam Cave. Fungal drops can be retrieved by defeating Floating Fungi. These enemies can be found in both The Chasm's underground sector and around the forests of Sumeru.
The Majestic Hooked Beaks can be gathered by defeating the Jadeplume Terrorshroom. This is a boss that can be found in the Vanarana area of Sumeru.
Talent Farming List
Lastly, you will need to worry about leveling Tighnari's talents so that his attacks will do more damage. To do this, you will need to gather talent scrolls, enemy drops, and the correct weekly boss item. Luckily, these aren't hard to get.
Here is the list of items you need to raise Tighnari’s talents.
- 9x Teachings of Admonition
- 63x Guide to Admonition
- 114x Philosophies of Admonition
- 18x Fungai Spores
- 66x Luminescent Pollen
- 93x Crystalline Cyst Dust
- 18x The Meaning of Aeos
- 3x Crown of Insight
The Admonition scrolls can all be found at the Steeple of Ignorance Domain in Sumeru. They are available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. As forThe Meaning of Aeos, you can gather this item from the weekly Raiden Shogun boss fight in Inazuma.
Lastly, the Crown of Insight can be gotten through limited means. The easiest way to get them is through limited-time events or by leveling up the Sacred Sakura Tree in Inazuma. Crowns of Insight are an extremely limited resource so think carefully before crowning a character with yours.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Genshin Impact coverage.