Spring in Forza Horizon 5’s Series 29 playlist brings the GTA Spano and the Fiat Dino as exclusive rewards. Here’s how you can unlock them.
The final week of series 29 has begun in Forza Horizon 5, with the next update just about a week away. Spring brings the GTA Spano and the Fiat Dino as the final exclusive reward cars of the series. You'll need 40 playlist points to unlock them both.
Thankfully, it's a much simpler process this time, with the playlist being relatively lenient in terms of restrictions and event choice. Most players should be able to unlock these cars in less than two hours of playtime.
Forza Horizon 5 was kind enough to add treasure hunts in Spring
Delta 100
The first treasure hunt is titled "Delta 100". And the clue makes it quite clear what you need to do to unlock its treasure location. It says "A lance is already speedy. Can this similarly named car match up?"
The clue is referring to a Lancia. And with the treasure hunt being named "Delta 100", it means you must use one of the two Lancia Deltas in the game.
It refers to the "speed" of a lance. So you need to get a speed skill in a Lancia Delta. It's easy enough to do and can be done on either of the Deltas stock.
Take them to the expressway and floor it. A speed skill will pop up once you drive over 100mph (161kph) for a few seconds, unlocking the treasure location.
The treasure chest is located in the south of the map, near the Uxmal temple. It's also pretty easy to spot.
Just follow the road that goes underneath the Gran Puente bridge towards Uxmal and you'll find the treasure chest right next to the large white temple structure on the grass.
Purrfectly Clean
The next treasure hunt is a little more difficult, in that you'll need to enter a race for it. It's titled "Purrfectly Clean". The clue goes "Keeping doubly clean on the road is no trouble for these cats."
In case it isn't clear already, the cat references are talking about Jaguar. And "keeping it doubly clean" refers to two Clean Racing skills. The "On the road" bit refers to Road Racing.
You'll need to get two clean racing skills while driving a Jag in a road racing event. It's easy enough, and you don't even need to complete the entire race.
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Just take any Jaguar, and avoid contact with other drivatars in the race, even if it means staying last. And quit the race once you've got two clean racing skills.
You'll have completed the treasure challenge and unlocked the location on the map. While this required you to enter a race, the chest itself is easy to find. It's at the abandoned airport, Aerodromo En La Silva in the Southwest region of the map.

The chest is right in the middle of the runway, exactly where you start the Aerodromo drag race.
This Forza Horizon 5 Photo Challenge requires a Benz
To complete the Photo Challenge, you'll need to take a picture of any Mercedes Benz at the Gran Telescopio. Bear in mind that there are two Mercedes brands in the game - Mercedes-AMG, and Mercedes-Benz. You'll need to use a car from the latter one.
Drive up to the Gran Telescopio, which is at the top of the Caldera volcano. It's a giant telescope. Take a picture of your Mercedes Benz next to it using the photo mode.
Unlocking the Forza Horizon 5 Spring reward cars
The two treasure hunts are worth six playlist points and the photo challenge is worth two. They're an easy eight points to gain. Additionally, the Forzathon weekly is also a quick unlock and rewards five playlist points. It requires a 1970 Ferrari 512 S and a few quick challenges.
You can buy the Ferrari 512 S in the Spring Forzathon Shop for 800 Forzathon Points, or from the Auto Show for 3.5 million credits. The challenges are straightforward, only needing you to drive around a bit and take a photo of the car with its stock paint job.
If you're not too keen on unlocking both cars and only want the GTA Spano then this combination should be enough for 20 playlist points.
- Treasure Hunt - Delta 100 - 3 points
- Treasure Hunt - Purrfectly Clean - 3 points
- Photo Challenge - #SpaceAgeDesign - 2 points
- Forzathon Weekly - Those Who Dare - 5 points
- Danger Sign - Salto De Rio - 2 points
- Speed Zone - Carratera - 2 points
- Event Lab - Rally Finland - 3 points (A800, Rally Monsters)
For the PR stunts (The Danger Sign and Carratera), the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento FE, the Ferrari F40 Competizione and the Koenigsegg CCGT are great choices, tuned to S2998. The restriction is Extreme Track Toys, and these are the best ones.
If you want both cars, then you'll have to do some more stuff. Here, in addition to the above challenges, you'll need to complete some more tasks.
- The Trial - Porscheing your Buttons - 10 points (S1900, Porsche)
- Event Lab - Desert Raceway - 3 points (S1900, Dodge)
- Event Lab - The Round Table 1960s (TA) - 3 points (C600, Decade 1960-1969)
- Event Lab - SS3 FCG - Outlaw Canyon - 3 points (B700, Muscle vs Tuner)
- Forzathon Daily - If in doubt, go flat (Reach a speed of 100mph at the Neon Airstrip)
Of course, you're free to try out any of the other challenges in the playlist and perform a mix-and-match. But these combinations are sure to unlock the two exclusive reward cars in the playlist.
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