How to fix the content beacon error in Fortnite

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

Get stuck with the content beacon error in Fortnite? Here’s how to fix it.

Want to play some Fortnite but keep getting the "Error connecting to content beacon" error? This issue has been frustrating players for years now. So, how do you fix the content beacon error in Fortnite?

Fixing the content beacon error in Fortnite

Sometimes, all a person wants is to play some Fortnite. Errors like the content beacon one can really ruin someone's vibe if it keeps popping up when they try to log in to the game.

Here are a few ways to fix this error in Fortnite.

1. Update Fortnite

Occasionally, all you need to do is update the game. This is simple for both console players and PC players.

If you are on a PC, head to your Epic Games application and click on "Update Fortnite." If you are on a console, just head to your games and check to see if Fortnite needs an update.

Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

However, if the game does not need an update or if the content beacon error keeps happening after the update, then there are a few other things you could try.

2. Reset your router

I know it's an old trick, but sometimes your internet just needs a nice reset. Locating your router and resetting it with the small button on the back could easily bring the game back for you.

This could take a few minutes, so be sure to wait patiently before opening the game. If your console or PC is plugged in with an ethernet cord, then you could also check to make sure that is correctly hooked into your hardware.

If this does not work, then there is one more fix you could try.

Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

3. Be patient

Yep, you read that right: Be patient. Fortnite has issues every once in a while that are out of our control. The servers could be overloaded or down. When this happens, there is nothing we can do as players, and have to simply wait for everything to be fixed on Fortnite's end.

I know this is a difficult fix to deal with, because all you want to do is play Fortnite, but this usually means a majority of people are unable to get into the game. So, you are not alone.

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