Are you going to purchase this popular Fortnite skin?
Another day, another unique skin created by Fortnite. There is no debate about claiming that Fortnite comes up with the most creative skins compared to any other video game. With so many outfits circulating through the Item Shop, Fortnite easily has the best cosmetic locker. But who exactly is this Desdemona? And how can players get her in Fortnite?
How to get Desdemona in Fortnite
Like all Fortnite skins, the way to obtain Desdemona is no different. Yep, you are thinking the same thing as me. Pay wall. Just like any popular video game these days, Desdemona is just another leader in the world of capitalism.
And you know what? I don't care, because she is a cool skin and I want to buy her. You shouldn't either.
To get Desdemona in Fortnite, all you have to do is buy her in the Item Shop. She will only be there for a few days, though, so purchase her quickly.

So, how many V-Bucks does it cost to buy Desdemona?
- 1,200 V-Bucks
While this may be pricier than some other skins, Desdemona does have a unique cosmetic bundle, that lets you purchase her and a few other items for a much better price than just purchasing her skin.
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What's in the Desdemona's Fortnite bundle?
Here is a list of everything in Desdemona's Fortnite bundle:
- Desdemona (Outfit)
- The Oculara (Back Bling)
- The Furia (Pickaxe)
- Starbright (Wrap)
- Underworld Ink (Wallpaper)

The entire bundle is only 1,800 V-Bucks, making it only 600 more V-Bucks than just purchasing the skin. Not a bad deal.
Who is Desdemona?
Desdemona is a fictional character created by Fortnite. While she has no actual storyline, she is a unique skin that represents a female version of the devil. She is a fan favorite by many Fortnite players.
Desdemona was first released in the game back during Chapter 3, Season 3, and has only made around 15 appearances in the Item Shop, making her still quite rare.
Make sure to purchase her now before it is too late!
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