Here are all tier 1 to tier 5 neutral items in Dota 2!

Neutral items are "simple" items that drop by chance after you kill a neutral creep. Valve had introduced neutral items back in November 2019, on Patch 7.23. This massively shifted the foundations of the game and added a new layer of complexity in itemization.

There are five tiers of neutral items and in each tier are about 12-13 items. We have compiled all neutral items in Dota 2 below including a complete list of inactive neutrals!

Tier 1 items in Dota 2

  • Arcane Ring
  • Duelist Glove
  • Fairy's Trinket
  • Occult Bracelet
  • Royal Jelly
  • Seeds of Serenity
  • Trusty Shovel
  • Broom Handle
  • Faded Broach
  • Lance of Pursuit
  • Pig Pole
  • Safety Bubble
  • Spark of Courage

Tier 2 items in Dota 2

  • Bullwhip
  • Eye of Vizier
  • Grove Bow
  • Orb of Destruction
  • Pupil's Gift
  • Vambrace
  • Whisper of the Dead
  • Dragon Scale
  • Gossamer Cape
  • Light Collector
  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Specialist's Array
  • Vampire Fangs

Tier 3 items in Dota 2

  • Ceremonial Robe
  • Craggy Coat
  • Defiant Shell
  • Elven Tunic
  • Nemesis Curse
  • Paladin Sword
  • Vindicator's Axe
  • Cloak of Flames
  • Dandelion Amulet
  • Doubloon
  • Enchanted Quiver
  • Ogre Seal Totem
  • Psychic Headband

Tier 4 items in Dota 2

  • Ancient Guardian
  • Aviana's Feather
  • Martyr's Plate
  • Ninja Gear
  • Stormcrafter
  • Timeless Relic
  • Ascetic's Cap
  • Havoc Hammer
  • Mind Breaker
  • Rattlecage
  • Telescope
  • Trickster Cloak

Tier 5 items in Dota 2

  • Apex
  • Book of Shadows
  • Force Boots
  • Magic Lamp
  • Pirate Hate
  • Stygian Desolator
  • Arcanist's Armor
  • Book of the Dead
  • Giant's Ring
  • Mirror Shield
  • Seer Stone
  • Unwavering Condition

Inactive neutral items

Throughout neutral items' existence, many tier 1 to tier 5 items have been cycled in and out of the patch. There are a total of 44 inactive neutral items that may or may not return among the active items in the Dota 2 shop. Check out all the inactive neutral items below:

  • Ballista
  • Blast Rig
  • Brigand's Blade
  • Chipped Vest
  • Clumsy Net
  • Dagger of Ristul
  • Elixir
  • Essence Ring
  • Ex Machina
  • Fae Grenade
  • Fallen Sky
  • Flicker
  • Fusion Rune
  • Greater Faerie Fire
  • Helm of the Undying
  • Illusionist's Cape
  • Imp Claw
  • Iron Talon
  • Ironwood Tree
  • Keen Optic
  • Mango Tree
  • Minotaur Horn
  • Nether Shawl
  • Ocean Heart
  • Penta-Edged Sword
  • Phoenix Ash
  • Poor Man's Shield
  • Possessed Mask
  • Prince's Knife
  • Quickening Charm
  • Quicksilver Amulet
  • Repair Kit
  • Ring of Aquila
  • Spell Prism
  • Spider Legs
  • The Leveller
  • Third Eye
  • Titan Sliver
  • Tome of Aghanim
  • Trident
  • Tumbler's Toy
  • Witchbane
  • Witless Shacko
  • Woodland Striders

That is the entire list of neutral items in Dota 2! For more Dota 2 news and guides, stay tuned to!