Here are the best hero choices for Khanda enjoyers!
Khanda is one of the hottest sensations in Dota 2 right now. Ever since it was introduced in Patch 7.35, the community has tirelessly experimented and tested this late game item. It's powerful, it's simple, and it's extremely CHEESY. If you want to join in on the Khanda hype, take a look at these five heroes that are best for Khanda!
But first, what is Khanda in Dota 2? Khanda is a 5000 gold item that combines the Phylactery, Crystallis, and a 600 gold recipe. This item has tiny attributes and stats bonuses but it’s packed with insanely powerful passives. The first passive gives a critical chance, meanwhile the second, called the Empower passive, gives a guaranteed burst damage proc on a Unit Target Spell. This Empower passive is its most delicious feature that a lot of people are finding cheesy strats to go along with.
In general, Khanda goes well with heroes that have a Unit Target Spell. But it’s even more powerful on a hero that additionally owns a high attack damage. We have selected the five heroes that have purchased Khanda the most in Dota 2 so far. Check it out!
1. Morphling

Khanda truly feels like it was created for Morphling himself. Morphling’s Adaptive Strike in Agility form gives bonus attack damage. This means that if Morphling has Khanda equipped and uses this spell, the enemy can lose a whole lot of HP! Many people compare this one-shot build to the former Morphling - Ethereal Blade gunshot combo. If you miss the old Morphling, Khanda may have reintroduced its satisfying one-shotter.
Since Khanda’s arrival in December 2023, Morphling has been the go-to hero to get Khanda on. It even boasts an impressive 59.2% win rate so far.
2. Sniper

Sniper is an extremely great choice if you want to test the Khanda build. The hero naturally is a right-clicker with plenty of attack damage. Khanda not only gives the delicious crits now and then, but you can also use the Assasinate spell to completely obliterate an enemy! What makes it more exciting, is the FAR cast range of Assasinate. This enables you to deal an insane amount of damage from afar. Safe and savage.
Sniper is the second hero that has the most Khanda purchases so far. When compared to Morphling, it has a slightly lesser winrate at 55.4%. Nonetheless, it’s still an impressive number.
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3. Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter has a perfect lineup of abilities to pair with Khanda. The Unit Target Spell that will merge well with Khanda’s Empower passive is the Shuriken Toss. This spell is insanely good due to its high damage and its very low cooldown. But on top of that, Bounty Hunter Tracked enemies will suffer even more damage. But wait, we are not done yet. If you get an Aghanim’s Scepter on Bounty Hunter, it will apply the Jinada passive, which applies bonus attack damage, to your Shuriken Toss. This spell will be oozing with damage once you get a Khanda!
Bounty Hunter is the third hero that paired the most with Khanda. Its winrate with this item is incredibly high, sitting at 59.7%.
4. Zeus

One of the best heroes to buy Khanda on is Zeus. This hero isn’t conventionally a right-click hero but its recent updates made him so - and Khanda is the cherry on top for this hero’s build. Zeus has plenty of Unit Target Spells, the strongest one being his Lightning Bolt, which deals a ton of burst damage. Pairing Khanda with this spell is brutal, but what makes it better is if you rush the Aghanim’s Shard.
Zeus deals a pretty decent attack damage when compared to other heroes and that’s already great for Khanda. But if you’re going for more Khanda perks, rush yourself the Aghanim’s Shard with boosts your attack damage by a little. Zeus with a Khanda has a convincing winrate so far at 60.65%.
5. Clinkz

The fifth hero on this list is the pesky Bone Fletcher. Clinkz’s entire item build typically go towards attack damage and he is an extremely powerful right-clicker. His Unit Target Spell, Tar Bomb, gels well with Khanda. Tar Bomb not only deals a tiny Magical damage initially, it also slows down those in the area.
Among the heroes in this list, Clinkz rocks the highest winrate, soaring high at 62.82%. However, this hero doesn’t purchase Khanda often with only 55K total purchase - the highest being Morphling with 234K purchases.
And that sums up the best heroes for Khanda! If you want to experiment Khanda in pubs, you can follow this list and see where it takes you. Stay tuned to for more Dota 2 news and updates!