Dota 2 hero tier list (Patch 7.38b, March 2025)

Nicholas Taifalos

Nicholas Taifalos

With over 100 Dota heroes to choose from, knowing who dominates the meta is key.

It's draft time during your next ranked Dota 2 game. You're on a bit of a loss streak, you're bleeding MMR, and you need to get a win as soon as possible. Instead of picking Pudge for the 200th time in a row, why not consider a better hero?

Each hero has its advantages and drawbacks, but in every patch, a handful rise above and set the patch's meta in stone. Using personal experience and raw stats from sites like Dotabuff and Spectral, we've compiled a list of the best heroes in ranked play.

Here is the Dota 2 tier list featuring the best heroes to play as of Patch 7.38b.

The best heroes in Dota 2, ranked: Tier list

Below is our tier list for the best Dota 2 heroes right now. Not every hero makes the cut, but just because you don't see your favorite hero here doesn't mean they're bad! The beauty of Dota is that every hero can work, but some shine a little brighter in each patch — we've highlighted them in the list below.

Abaddon continues to extend his purple patch at the top. (Image via Tiermaker)
Abaddon continues to extend his purple patch at the top. (Image via Tiermaker)

We've sorted the top heroes into three main tiers:

  • S-Tier: The most dominant heroes in the meta right now, picked or banned in almost every ranked match, extremely powerful.
  • A-Tier: Consistent, versatile heroes; can be played in multiple positions, constantly see match time, and are effective in their main roles.
  • B-Tier: Pocket picks; above average in a specific role, at least one solid Facet choice, and slip under the radar to make a draft often enough.

S-Tier heroes

Wraith KingWraith King
Carry. Skeleton Wraith King continues his mainstay at the very top of the tier list. Tanky, high damage output, and can single-handedly carry a team through the mid-game. No changes in 7.38 or 7.38b!
An icon of Abaddon in Dota 2.Abaddon
Offlane, support. Incredibly tanky and versatile; designed to carry plenty of aura items like Pipe of Insight and Crimson Guard to aid in team fights without attacking. Was hit by the nerfhammer in 7.38b, but you probably barely noticed.
Ancient Apparition
Support. A slew of buffs in 7.38 saw AA rise to S-tier, and while we're back in the world of Agility hypercarries instead of Strength-boosting tanks, his kit is well-rounded to deal with most opponents.
Carry. Medusa needed a buff after all those nerfs in late-7.37 — the movement speed lock has made her quite potent at escaping enemy lineups built with slowing targets in mind. A slight nerf in 7.38b hasn't stopped her rise.
Hybrid. Huge changes to Dazzle in 7.38 has seen him become the new hybrid pick. Carry, midlane, support — he can just about do it all with his new ultimate ability Nothl Projection.
Carry. Lifestealer is back to his best with Rage enabling the melee carry to take on an entire team himself. He's still a mid-game focused hero with items like Sange & Yasha and Armlet giving him a power spike at around the 20-to-30-minute mark — look to end games here.
Carry. Sure, Agh's Upgrade Swiftslash copped some nerfs, but Juggernaut's kit and the return of Agi heroes in general has made him quite the force.

A-Tier heroes

MidOutworld Destroyer, Meepo, Night Stalker
OfflaneTidehunter, Clockwerk, Night Stalker, Vengeful Spirit
SupportVengeful Spirit, Warlock, Witch Doctor, Oracle, Shadow Shaman

Outworld Devourer is back in the mid-lane (so long as you build a Hex as early as possible), while a few carries that just missed the S-tier like Meepo land here. Vengeful Spirit has seen play across several roles.

Witch Doctor just can't be kept down for long, while Tidehunter is a surprise addition to the list given he copped some of the worst of the nerfs in 7.38b.

B-Tier heroes

CarryTroll Warlord, Necrophos, Anti-Mage
OfflaneLegion Commander, Dark Seer, Undying, Necrophos
SupportMirana, Silencer, Undying, Elder Titan

Oh no, is that a Tinker mid? Don't worry, folks — Tinker did storm up the list but was halted in 7.38b. He still lurks around the top of the meta and you can't ever count out a good Tinker player!

Undying is a mainstay here, preferably as a support, while changes to Necrophos' Ghost Shroud has made him a potent hybrid pick for multiple rolls. Legion Commander and Dark Seer round out the best of the off-laners.

Check back after each major Dota 2 update for a refreshed tier list!