The unique item is one of the strongest in the game and has been over the course of the entire Diablo franchise.
The Harlequin Crest is one of the strongest items in Diablo - some would argue this unique item is the strongest. This helm adds bonuses across all stats and provides an insane amount of health amongst other defensive capabilities. Here is how you can attempt to get your hands on the legendary Harlequin Crest in Diablo 4.
What is the Harlequin Crest in Diablo 4?

The Harlequin Crest is a Unique Item in Diablo 4, you can find out about the different rarities in Diablo 4 in the article linked above. This item boasts some of the strongest statistics of any item in the game and this is just the base level, if players are lucky they can find the Sacred or Anscetral versions if they have gotten that far into the game.
Here are all of the stats for the Harlequin Crest:
- Item Power: 820
- 1025 Armor
- 1000 Max life [732-1359]
- 9.6% Cooldown reduction [4.4-10.0]
- 11.5% Resource generation 5.0-12.0]
- +20 All stats [20-28]
- * Gain 20% Damage reduction [10.0-20.0]
- Gain +4 ranks to all skills
Is the Shako Helm in Diablo 4?

While many have been curious since the Diablo 4 beta, the Shako item is in fact in Diablo 4. It is just extremely difficult to find. To put it simply, players must have access to World Tier 4, the hardest in Diablo 4. While in Diablo 2 it was fairly easy to acquire through trading, it is much harder to obtain this version of the Unique Helm this time around.
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How to get the Harlequin Crest in Diablo 4?
As was stated previously, you are going to need to grind the game in order to have a chance of this item dropping. Firstly, you must complete the Diablo 4 campaign in order to progress eventually to Tier 4 - the hardest tier. According to an article from Dot Esports, the Harlequin Crest can be obtained through a monster dropping the item and also in chests.
Even then, the chance of a unique item dropping in Diablo 4 is very small and if previous Diablo titles are anything to go by, it will require a lot of hours grinding away. Nevertheless, there may be a way of increasing your chances of the Harlequin Crest dropping.
Helltide Events

Helltide Events are new end-game levels that provides players with the ultimate challenge. During Helltide Events, a section of the map will be covered in red. Players will have a set amount of time to clear out the hordes of enemies in order to complete the challege. During this time, legendary and Unique items can drop amongst other end-game rewards.
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