Warlord’s Spear god roll and best perks in Destiny 2

Nicholas Taifalos

Nicholas Taifalos

Warlord’s Spear is the first trace rifle available in Destiny 2’s Iron Banner and it’s got several desirable god rolls.

Iron Banner has returned and with it a new weapon for an older Destiny 2 archetype. Warlord's Spear is the first trace rifle available in Iron Banner and it's got several desirable god rolls.

Here's the god roll breakdown for Warlord's Spear in Destiny 2 including perks, mods, and masterwork.

What is the Warlord's Spear god roll in Destiny 2?

(Screenshot by esports.gg)
(Screenshot by esports.gg)

Warlord's Spear PvE roll

BarrelChambered Compensator
BatteryEnhanced Battery
Trait 1Rewind Rounds
Envious Assassin
Trait 2Detonator Beam
Jolting Feedback
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModSkulking Wolf (Origin Trait)
Reload Speed (Masterwork)
Backup Mag (Weapon Mod)

There are several great perks available for Warlord's Spear from a PvE standpoint. I'm liking the look of Rewind Rounds and Jolting Feedback; the former grants ammo based on how many shots were landed in the magazine, while the latter charges up Jolt on a single target, hitting nearby enemies.

This roll works great with Arc subclasses and fragments that activate when an enemy is Jolted. This is very common with Warlord's Spear thanks to its trace rifle RPM.

Alternatively, if you'd rather treat this trace rifle as a secondary weapon, Envious Assassin overflows the magazine when landing kills with other weapons. Pair this with Detonator Beam for an explosive add-clearing monster, or lean into single-target damage with Fourth Time's the Charm or Target Lock.

Warlord's Spear PvP roll

BatteryTactical Battery
Trait 1High-Impact Reserves
Trait 2Killing Tally
Target Lock
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModSkulking Wolf (Origin Trait)
Range (Masterwork)
Ballistics (Weapon Mod)

Warlord's Spear comes from Iron Banner, meaning it wouldn't be whole without a few PvP perks. High-Impact Reserves is the definite play here for bonus damage when the magazine is low (which will be common as this is a Special weapon).

Pair it with Killing Tally if you find ammo common enough, or Target Lock to ensure a single target goes down. Warlord's Spear already has decent range but as it's an adaptive frame, its recoil is easy to manage, so max out that range for a more consistent weapon.

How to get Warlord's Spear in Destiny 2

Warlord's Spear is an Iron Banner weapon, meaning you'll need to complete Iron Banner matches and earn Iron Banner engrams to get the trace rifle.

Once you've received your first Warlord's Spear (by opening engrams), you can focus future engrams at Varus Saladin in The Tower for random-rolled copies. Each roll will cost you 25,000 Glimmer and an Iron Engram.

You cannot craft Warlord's Spear. Once you get the roll you want, you can enhance the weapon for upgraded versions of each perk.

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