The Chatterwhite shader is a limited-time event, so don’t miss out!
The countdown to Destiny 2's Episode: Heresy is on. Before we wrap up Episode: Revenant, however, Bungie is giving away a parting gift: the Chatterwhite shader!
This classic Destiny shader is almost a mirror of Superblack, an all-black Destiny shader we got with Into the Light and The Final Shape. This time, it's an all-white shader with multiple different shades — and it could be yours for free through the Past is Prologue event this week.
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How to unlock Chatterwhite in Destiny 2

The Chatterwhite shader is available as a reward through the "Past is Prologue" mini-event in Destiny 2. This event runs from Jan. 21 to Feb. 7 when Episode: Heresy starts.
To unlock Chatterwhite, you'll need to complete five Bento Box quests which can be picked up from the Drifter. These quests range from easy (defeat combatants in a location) to more time-consuming (complete Raid or Dungeon encounters).
There were only four quests available at the beginning of the event, with a fifth arriving via Xur on the weekend. If you don't pick up Xur's quest, you'll need to wait until next week to unlock the shader.

You don't need Bento Tokens to unlock Chatterwhite, you just need to finish the five quests. Spending your Bento Tokens on other rewards, such as Artifice armor, curated god roll weapons, and Mementos can be done at Eris Morn on the Moon.
At this stage there is no other way to unlock Chatterwhite in Destiny 2. The Superblack shader, once part of the Into The Light event, was made available later on, so if you miss out this time you may be able to get your hands on it in the future.
That said, the Bento Box quests are pretty easy. Get your hands on the shader now, and it's yours forever!
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