Boondoggle MK. 55 god roll and best perks in Destiny 2

Nicholas Taifalos

Nicholas Taifalos

This Legendary version of The Huckleberry has some awesome perks.

The Huckleberry is one of the most popular Exotic SMGs in Destiny 2 with its constant reloading and damage ramp-up on trigger pull. But what if you wanted your Exotic slot for another weapon? That's where the Boondoggle MK. 55 comes in!

This 720 RPM Kinetic SMG is a lesser copy of The Huckleberry, but frees up that Exotic slot. It's not a one-for-one replacement but with the god roll, you can get pretty close!

What is the god roll for Boondoggle MK. 55 in Destiny 2?

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Boondoggle MK. 55 PvE god roll

BarrelArrowhead Brake
MagazineAlloy Magazine
Trait 1Subsistence
Trait 2Swashbuckler
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModTex Balanced Stock (Origin Trait)
Reload Speed (Masterwork)
Backup Mag (Weapon Mod)

The Boondoggle MK. 55 is designed to be fired from the hip, with origin trait Tex Balanced Stock granting handing, reload, and movement speed after damaging targets using hip fire. As a result, we want to get up close and personal with our targets.

We're going with Swashbuckler as our damage perk. Five kills gets us the maximum damage, but you can also kill an enemy with a melee attack first to reach the five stacks straight away.

With that, we're going Subsistence. Start with a melee kill then let loose from the hip — subsequent kills will keep Boondoggle reloaded. Alternatively, go all-in on melee ability use with Pugilist.

Boondoggle MK. 55 PvP god roll

BarrelCorkscrew Rifling
MagazineRicochet Rounds
Trait 1Closing Time
Trait 2Adagio
Killing Wind
Origin Trait, Masterwork, Weapon ModTex Balanced Stock (Origin Trait)
Range (Masterwork)
Ballistics (Weapon Mod)

At 47 range, the Boondoggle MK. 55 is already a competitive SMG for the Crucible. But the perks available make this an absolute beast in PvP — and there are a few routes you can take.

As appealing as Hip-Fire Grip is, I'm liking Closing Time a lot more. Range, accuracy, and handling is boosted as the magazine gets lower, turning this SMG into a laser by the time you reach its last dozen rounds.

The second column is a little more about personal preference. Adagio grants extra damage at the cost of fire rate, while Killing Wind further enhances mobility and handling after a kill. If you find you don't need the extra stats thanks to Closing Time, you can go for the former.

How to get Boondoggle MK. 55 in Destiny 2

Select the Worldly Weapons scripture for a boosted chance at this SMG. (Screenshot by
Select the Worldly Weapons scripture for a boosted chance at this SMG. (Screenshot by

The Boondoggle MK. 55 SMG is a World drop meaning you'll need to get lucky with engrams. Gunsmith or Prime Engrams can also land you this SMG — but there's a way you can focus your drops and boost you chances thanks to the Tome of Want.

The seasonal item lets you select the Worldly Weapons Scripture, which focuses weapon drops from activities (like The Nether) into World drops. This drastically increases the odds of a Boondoggle dropping. Later in the season when we get the Crumbling SMG Scripture, we'll be able to lock in on that Boondoggle drop.

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